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Bassist for your band..

[Feb 3,2010 1:27pm - The_Tin_Ear ""]
I'm looking to play pretty much anything. Things I'm into would be tech death, grindcore, doom, black metal, or some mixture of several. Pro rig, reasonable amount of experience and willing to travel. Not a whole lot of promising metal seems to be looking for bass in my area (that being southern NH). If anyone is interested then hit me up. I'm dying to start playing again.

email: therealtedkennedy@hotmail.com
[Feb 3,2010 1:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
We practice in Manch once or twice a week - ex Life at Zero d00ds with Hand Choke Neck drummer. Mixture of thrash, stoner metal and doom. We're pretty laid back - more interested in writing/recording than breaking ass to play out - we're all in our 30s and really don't give a shit about anything. Reply if you are interested.
[Feb 3,2010 3:54pm - The_Tin_Ear ""]
I'm down to check it out if you want to email me what days you practice. I'm in manchester alot anyway.
[Feb 3,2010 4:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
We're looking too. Prctice in beantown. Mixture of doom, Swedish riffage, blackmetal, ved buens ende, acoustic, and ambience. Lemme know.
[Feb 3,2010 4:37pm - largefreakatzero ""]

The_Tin_Ear said:I'm down to check it out if you want to email me what days you practice. I'm in manchester alot anyway.

U CAN HAZ mail. Our schedule varies due to drummer w/kids, but per my email we are practicing tonight.
[Feb 4,2010 12:28pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Hey tin man.... If your still looking check out myspace.com/forcedasphyxiation

we'd love a full timer we have .. Right now we some good friends helping us out.
[Feb 4,2010 12:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

largefreakatzero said:
The_Tin_Ear said:I'm down to check it out if you want to email me what days you practice. I'm in manchester alot anyway.

U CAN HAZ mail. Our schedule varies due to drummer w/kids, but per my email we are practicing tonight.


Life At Zero is back?!?!?
[Feb 4,2010 12:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

largefreakatzero said:
The_Tin_Ear said:I'm down to check it out if you want to email me what days you practice. I'm in manchester alot anyway.

U CAN HAZ mail. Our schedule varie

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