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Looking for Bassist for Tool Cover Band (Useful Idiot)

[Feb 4,2010 1:35pm - ouchdrummer ""]
We play once a week, the night is flexible. We practice in south boston. (5 minute walk from the red line) We now play everything up to Lateralus, and a select few from 10,000 days. Our goal is to know the music well enough to only get together once every couple weeks, and play shows a couple times a month. We need someone who:

-Knows the songs exactly.
-Takes the time to get the right tone, and the right effects.
-Professionalism is a must. You will be expected to know music when you show up. We believe rehearsals are to fine-tune songs, not for learning songs.
-Has transportation to and from practice.
-Loves Tool.
-Owning a tank would be a plus, but not required.

If you're interested, please send me an email
ouchdrummer at gmail dot com
and I can give you a list of songs to know to try out with.
[Feb 4,2010 1:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
good luck
[Feb 4,2010 1:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 4,2010 1:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:bahhh

Yeah, I know it's a bummer. If you know anyone that's capable, please send em our way. The rest of us have the stuff down pat, with the right bassist we could really kill it.
[Feb 4,2010 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you got it man
[Feb 4,2010 1:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
I know tool guitar players but not many bass players. I suppose one could switch but it'd be better to be technically spot on.

[Feb 4,2010 1:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]
No, damon hates tool. Silly.
[Feb 4,2010 1:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd attempt to do this if i wasnt in 3 projects already.
[Feb 4,2010 2:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i'd attempt to do this if i wasnt in 3 projects already.

Too bad, you'd be great to have around.
[Feb 4,2010 2:12pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'd attempt to do this if i had bass gear and the money to share the space/drive to Boston and back every week.
[Feb 4,2010 2:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
The space is free, i guess i forgot to mention that it's my apartment.
[Feb 4,2010 2:17pm - Sacreligion ""]
Oh nice. Now I just need a bass, amp, and effects.
[Feb 4,2010 2:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Craiglist would be best probably. So many art student tool fans these days.
[Feb 4,2010 2:20pm - narkybark ""]
Yeah, strangely enough I'm not a big fan of Tool. Not sure why.
[Feb 4,2010 2:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:Craiglist would be best probably. So many art student tool fans these days.

Thank you master of the obvious. This is NOT the only place this is posted.
[Feb 4,2010 2:28pm - arktouros ""]
im gonna try out. tool has a bass player?
[Feb 4,2010 2:31pm - blue ""]
If I liked tool and actually had free time I'd do it for you guys no prob.
[Feb 4,2010 2:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Have you tried craigslist?
[Feb 4,2010 2:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:Have you tried craigslist?

Didn't you say that already? YES.
[Feb 4,2010 2:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Feb 4,2010 3:02pm - timma ""]

narkybark said:Yeah, strangely enough I'm not a big fan of Tool. Not sure why.

I'm with you there man. Don't really have a good reason...just don't.
[Feb 4,2010 3:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]

timma said:
narkybark said:Yeah, strangely enough I'm not a big fan of Tool. Not sure why.

I'm with you there man. Don't really have a good reason...just don't.

Good for you two, wait was this thread called "Do you like TOOL"? No.
[Feb 4,2010 3:05pm - Slag nli  ""]
I thought it was not cool to have a bass guitar in the metal?
[Feb 4,2010 3:09pm - narkybark ""]
Xylophones are the new thing.
[Feb 4,2010 3:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
Craigslist is probably best and tanks were invented in 1974.
[Feb 4,2010 4:20pm - Pires ""]
Have you tried craigslist?
[Feb 4,2010 4:35pm - narkybark ""]
You won't find many xylophone players on craigslist.
[Feb 4,2010 4:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
craigslist has tanks now?
[Feb 4,2010 4:51pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:
-Owning a tank would be a plus, but not required.

Even if you can't find one of craigslist, it's NOT required.
[Feb 4,2010 7:26pm - timma ""]

ouchdrummer said:
timma said:
narkybark said:Yeah, strangely enough I'm not a big fan of Tool. Not sure why.

I'm with you there man. Don't really have a good reason...just don't.

Good for you two, wait was this thread called "Do you like TOOL"? No.

I'm sorry Jimbo...We's ruined your thread. Hug?
[Feb 4,2010 7:51pm - t2daeek ""]
if the location wasn't such a pain from where i'm currently living i'd be all over this...
i don't have a whammy pedal anymore either so i'm pretty fucked when it comes to playing most of lateralus' bass parts...
if you're still looking for someone for this in 4-5 months, after i've moved, i'm in. lol.
[Feb 5,2010 12:00am - ryann_  ""]
my old guitar teacher plays in a tool cover band. www.myspace.com/toolfist

good luck with the search.

[Feb 5,2010 1:37am - doodik  ""]
[Feb 5,2010 3:11am - Sacreligion ""]

narkybark said:Xylophones are the new thing.

Fuck bass. I will gladly spend the extra time and effort necessary to play xylophone for this band.
[Feb 5,2010 8:43am - neverpurified ""]
I love Tool, am currently band-less and could probably swing this, drop me an email: kylestevenparadis@gmail.com
[Feb 5,2010 8:59am - sinistas ""]
Bandless? Rohirrim done?
[Feb 5,2010 9:02am - neverpurified ""]
on hiatus for the moment
[Feb 5,2010 9:02am - reimroc ""]
for anyone who hasn't seen UI live they really are the closest thing to TOOL as you're going to get.
[Feb 5,2010 9:23am - Dr Alex White  ""]

reimroc said:for anyone who doesn't know I like to suck every local bands cock with Grant.
[Feb 5,2010 9:29am - arktouros ""]

reimroc said:for anyone who hasn't seen UI live they really are the closest thing to TOOL as you're going to get.

yep, they are no joke, and jim doesn't need a 50 piece drum set to sound like danny carey.
[Feb 5,2010 9:31am - RichHorror ""]

Dr%20Alex%20White said:
reimroc said:for anyone who doesn't know I like to suck every local bands cock with Grant.

Aw come on, Grant only sucks off the slammy DM bands and Revocation.
[Feb 5,2010 9:38am - Slag nli  ""]
UI is no joke. Best Tool cover band i've seen/heard.
[Feb 5,2010 9:45am - neverpurified ""]
I also have a digitech pedal board w/whammy, which would come in very handy for lateralus/10000 days songs
[Feb 5,2010 9:59am - reimroc ""]

Dr%20Alex%20White said:
reimroc said:for anyone who doesn't know I like to suck every local bands cock with Grant.

[Feb 8,2010 11:51am - ouchdrummer ""]

neverpurified said:I love Tool, am currently band-less and could probably swing this, drop me an email: kylestevenparadis@gmail.com

I will hit you up today. Thanks for the interest.

Everyone else- you guys rule, thanks.
[Feb 16,2010 1:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
we are pretty sure about someone, should be playing shows again with a month.
[Feb 24,2010 3:38pm - MetalThursday ""]
Jimbo - how is this new prospect working out? I have a possible idea for something for you guys this summer.
[Feb 24,2010 4:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm gitty about my privied knowledge. hehe

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