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Studio/Band room break-in UNAPPRESH

[Feb 5,2010 9:36am - Slag nli  ""]
My studio that I share with another band was broken into last night through an empty adjacent room. Apparently all that seperated the two walls was drywall and someone got friendly with a sledgehammer. About $10k worth of stuff got yanked. I lost all my drum recording equipment.

I'm sure the good folks of RTTP have had this happen on numerous occasions.
What should we do next?

Police have been notified and fingerprints are going to be taken from the room today. We think the landlord is at fault for allowing an empty room to be infiltrated and for not letting us know that the wall was seperated by only drywall.

What would you do next besides kill everyone?
[Feb 5,2010 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
they are probably going to try to sell it so serial numbers. send them out to places. look at guitar centers, etc...
[Feb 5,2010 9:56am - SkinSandwich ""]
Blame the blacks and their crack addiction, or white, suburban kids and their Oxycontin addictions.

Jokes aside, this fucking blows. People need to be butchered on a regular basis.
[Feb 5,2010 9:58am - arilliusbm ""]
That sucks dude. I like your work.
[Feb 5,2010 10:03am - rhinoplasty  ""]
you see i never had problems like dis , no one would ever steal my equipments because no one has the skill to play my modifies instriments . like for instance , i have a 2 neck 35 string shredder . no one could even begin to play my 23 string bass . remember i make more money , shred better , avoid theft better , i'm just better .
[Feb 5,2010 10:09am - neverpurified ""]
We had the exact same thing happen in the fall of '08 as many of you remember. The only advice i can give is to find the serial numbers of your gear. Even if it is only one piece of gear. If you recently bought a piece of gear at a daddy's or GC, they should have it on record. Peter had the serial # to his amp and we ended up finding nearly all of the gear due to the pawn shop it was sold to.

Best of luck to you guys, I hope you find the gear and the shitbag(s) who stole it.
[Feb 5,2010 10:11am - dreadkill ""]
that sucks. good luck.
[Feb 5,2010 10:22am - Slymo ""]
aww dude that rots, sorry to hear it.
[Feb 5,2010 10:23am - aaron_michael ""]
that really sucks, but at the same time its kind of humerous in thinking of the way someone decided to break in.
no picked locks, no broken windows, just a big hole in the wall.
I'm not making fun; it's fucked, but it's also kind of inventive/primal.
[Feb 5,2010 10:31am - timma ""]
Duude....lame, lame ,lame. What a bunch of shitbags.
[Feb 5,2010 10:33am - Yeti ""]
oh man, at the Midtown space?? that fucking sucks man, people are fucking scum.
[Feb 5,2010 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
DarkPoor :(
[Feb 5,2010 10:39am - arktouros ""]
man, one would need much more than a sledgehammer to breach our room (maybe a sledgehammer and a pigmy midget) and i'm glad we didn't move DW into there, but having it happen to a band member is almost no different. i've seen it happen so many times and every musician feels the pain. son of a bitch. i use that equipment!
[Feb 5,2010 10:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Did DYAs (immortal 13) rig get jacked too?
[Feb 5,2010 10:42am - Slag nli  ""]
It's not that bad. It's just material shit, can be replaced.

I will say, I give whomever did it some cred for the wall break. I will track down the equipment and/or break legs.

On another note,
I'm still recording bands. If anyone is interested, I will send you some samples of work i've done.
[Feb 5,2010 10:43am - Slag nli  ""]
FYI, not the Darkwor room. I rent another specialized recording space.

[Feb 5,2010 10:45am - arktouros ""]
nope. DW weapons are safe, making a sacrifice to the trickster god tonight so that our room remains a fortress. slag's room is in a seperate area of the building that apparently has paper thin walls.
[Feb 5,2010 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Actually slag, I may be interested in you mastering herugrims recordings I'm working on.
[Feb 5,2010 10:52am - Slag nli  ""]
I would welcome the opportunity Aril. send me an email to

[Feb 5,2010 11:06am - MetalThursday ""]

arktouros said:nope. DW weapons are safe, making a sacrifice to the trickster god tonight so that our room remains a fortress. slag's room is in a seperate area of the building that apparently has paper thin walls.

As the renter of that room from 1999 to 2008, I agree with the fortress comparison. Masonry walls all around, steel cage behind the door. Best band room I ever had. 400 sqare feet, secure and relatively cheap. Too bad it turned into an after-hours club for dozens of random Palladium show attendees.
[Feb 5,2010 11:15am - arktouros ""]
we sure as hell don't let that happen anymore. current keyholders have been very respectful.
[Feb 5,2010 11:26am - MetalThursday ""]
Well done. Hearing about the elevator incident did it for me. Hahaha...
[Feb 5,2010 11:30am - dreadkill ""]

MetalThursday said:
arktouros said:nope. DW weapons are safe, making a sacrifice to the trickster god tonight so that our room remains a fortress. slag's room is in a seperate area of the building that apparently has paper thin walls.

As the renter of that room from 1999 to 2008, I agree with the fortress comparison. Masonry walls all around, steel cage behind the door. Best band room I ever had. 400 sqare feet, secure and relatively cheap. Too bad it turned into an after-hours club for dozens of random Palladium show attendees.

is that the old zircon room? i had a couple beers over there on occasion.
[Feb 5,2010 11:33am - Conservationist ""]

Slag%20nli said: We think the landlord is at fault for allowing an empty room to be infiltrated and for not letting us know that the wall was seperated by only drywall.

Yes, get a lawyer.
[Feb 5,2010 1:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I just had a fucking heart attack. Ugh. Fuck that - as much as I'm glad it wasn't our room, that's a pile of shit. Ugh.

arilliusbm said:Did DYAs (immortal 13) rig get jacked too?

[Feb 5,2010 1:34pm - arktouros ""]
oh man, so did i when i heard. you wouldn't have found out on RTTP first, haha
[Feb 5,2010 2:12pm - MetalThursday ""]

dreadkill said:
MetalThursday said:
arktouros said:nope. DW weapons are safe, making a sacrifice to the trickster god tonight so that our room remains a fortress. slag's room is in a seperate area of the building that apparently has paper thin walls.

As the renter of that room from 1999 to 2008, I agree with the fortress comparison. Masonry walls all around, steel cage behind the door. Best band room I ever had. 400 sqare feet, secure and relatively cheap. Too bad it turned into an after-hours club for dozens of random Palladium show attendees.

is that the old zircon room? i had a couple beers over there on occasion.

Yeah... originally the Acephalus room, then Despoilment and a handful of other projects, then Zircon.
[Feb 5,2010 2:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The End
[Feb 5,2010 2:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 5,2010 2:41pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Condolences. That's fucking shitty.

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