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ATTN: Videogame nerdarios

[Feb 9,2010 1:47pm - aaron_michael ""]
I may be getting a Playstation3. I'm not a huge "gamer", but I like the occasional video game to pass the time and also want a blu-ray player.

What are some titles you would recommend?
[Feb 9,2010 1:48pm - martins ""]
Assassin's Creed 1+2, Dead Space, Demon's Souls, Flower, Infamous
[Feb 9,2010 1:48pm - martins ""]
[Feb 9,2010 1:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bubble Bobble, POW, Comix Zone, Boogerman, T&C surf design
[Feb 9,2010 1:50pm - oscarct ""]
uncharted 1 & 2

[Feb 9,2010 1:56pm - sever ""]
Dead Space is a must.
[Feb 9,2010 1:58pm - aaron_michael ""]
There are no Left 4 Deads for PS3, correct?
[Feb 9,2010 1:59pm - martins ""]
There was one left but I took it.
[Feb 9,2010 2:08pm - c.DeAD  ""]

sever said:Dead Space is a must.

Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Uncharted games etc etc. Hold out a couple months and get Red Dead Redemption. I think it might be the best game this generation has to offer.
[Feb 9,2010 2:30pm - oscarct ""]

aaron_michael said:There are no Left 4 Deads for PS3, correct?

nope valve wont develop games for ps3
[Feb 9,2010 2:33pm - sever ""]
I would suggest a 360 honestly, but ps3's have their strengths as well.
[Feb 9,2010 2:38pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]

arilliusbm said:Comix Zone

YES! you can dl this for 360
[Feb 9,2010 2:52pm - narkybark ""]
Demon's Souls = awesome kill-kill realtime RPG. Might be difficult for casual gamers
Batman Arkham Asylum = comic booky goodness, actually feels like a batman game
Infamous = feels like GTA except you're a superhero who controls lightning.

(also keeping an eye on Red Dead Redemption)
[Feb 9,2010 3:12pm - blessed offal  ""]
get a 360 instead and waste a ridiculous amount of time on oblivion.

also, get dead space
[Feb 9,2010 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I got a PS3 and wasted ridculous amounts of time on oblivion.
it was the only game I played for 7 months when I got it.
[Feb 9,2010 3:20pm - blessed offal  ""]
ya my roomate got a 360 and that was the only game we played/thing we did for like 5 months
[Feb 10,2010 12:35am - Alx_Casket ""]
Playing Oblivion on anything but a PC is heresy. Mods are awesome.

Skate 2 (and soon Skate 3) is the only game I play on my PS3. I played Pixeljunk Eden and Fat Princess for a while too, but mainly to delay my rise to the top of the Skate universe.
[Feb 10,2010 12:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Feb 10,2010 12:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Fuckng hard game.
[Feb 10,2010 1:42am - ernie  ""]
dante's peak. i dont know shit about shit but i heard there's a giant monster bitch with her tits out, mouths for nipples, spitting razor-finger baby mutants at you.. i recommend buying it and telling me if this is true or not.
[Feb 10,2010 7:30am - the_reverend ""]
I love how every week there is a thread about someone buying a ps3
[Feb 10,2010 8:14am - aaron_michael ""]
those tax returns are amazing ;)
[Feb 10,2010 9:17am - Slag ""]
Mass Effect 2... err...never mind.
[Feb 10,2010 9:31am - c.DeAD  ""]
Alan Wake...shit.
[Feb 10,2010 10:06am - zyklon ""]
Metal Gear Solid 4, Resident Evil 5
[Feb 10,2010 10:32am - the_reverend ""]
RE5 is the game I'm playing now. it's ok.

Resistence fall of man was awesome.
COD4MW was awesome.
[Feb 10,2010 10:35am - arilliusbm ""]
Call of Doody
[Feb 10,2010 10:59am - xanonymousx ""]
LittleBigPlanet then you can download my live at rocko's level
[Feb 10,2010 11:19am - Pires ""]
Littlebigplanet is fucking awesome. Get God of War collection, if you never played the PS2 versions. Batman is a lot of fun, if you're a batman nerd. Killzone 2 was great, albeit somewhat short. I couldn't get into resistance for some reason, and I love FPS. Metal gear solid is a must if you own a PS3. I only buy exclusive titles for my PS3 as I have a 360 and play that more.
[Feb 10,2010 11:55am - mutis ""]
Burn Zombie Burn is the best downloadable game I've played.

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