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Revocation, Nåthruzym, Mythology, Amadis @ 242 Main, Burlington, VT - 3/7

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Feb 10,2010 11:59am - mutis ""]
Sunday, March 7
242 Main

Revocation ( http://myspace.com/revocation )
Nåthruzym ( http://myspace.com/nathruzym )
Mythology ( http://myspace.com/mythology )
Amadis ( http://myspace.com/amadismetal )

7pm sharp
[Feb 10,2010 12:52pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I really want to go to this! This lineup is way too awesome to miss!
[Feb 18,2010 2:51pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
[Feb 18,2010 4:04pm - quintessence ""]
I might go to this. Burlington is far but still much closer than almost anyone on this board.
[Feb 18,2010 5:39pm - mutis ""]

[Feb 28,2010 8:20pm - boblovesmusic ""]
anyone from the Boston area want to carpool to this?
[Mar 7,2010 9:45pm - sethrich ""]
I drove up for this show from Boston today just for Revocation, and when I got inside the place I was told they dropped. What the fuck?! :BANGHEAD:
[Mar 7,2010 10:18pm - revo  ""]
Really sorry but we were forced to cancel last minute due to an unforeseen health problem. There was no way around it.
[Mar 7,2010 10:38pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that sucks, but no offense to Revocation, I would've gone up just to see Nathruzym, Mythology and Amadis play together!
[Mar 8,2010 7:40am - Yeti ""]
Mythology kicked ass at Club Oasis on Saturday, small crowd but they still ripped it up.
[Mar 8,2010 9:44am - mutis ""]
Yeah I heard they got cock-blocked by Kreator.

It sucks that Revo had to cancel last minute, but you know what? Shit happens. Amadis cancelled too. Nine out of ten shows I book, play or go to never pan out the way they were intended. There were still three bands who played longer sets, and the show was a lot of fun.

[Mar 8,2010 9:47am - the_reverend ""]
I still have yet to shoot a show in VT.
[Mar 8,2010 9:54am - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:Mythology kicked ass at Club Oasis on Saturday, small crowd but they still ripped it up.
huh they played? no idea.

props to them, would you drive from upstate NY to play that place?
[Mar 8,2010 10:37am - Yeti ""]
hell no, never mind with the energy they played with. the crowd was ok, there were like 20 or so people, but they got into it. the band before them was shitty crabcore. they really got shafted with a bad lineup at a bad location. it had absolutely no promotion.
[Mar 8,2010 10:55am - Slag NLI  ""]
Mythology are a bunch of young guys. I'd say give em 5 years and they will be BM juggernauts if they stick with it.
[Mar 10,2010 11:52am - mutis ""]
Matt Longo's review/photos from Sunday.


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