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AIDS appreciation

[Feb 17,2010 12:03pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:Are there ever any insincere appreciation threads?
[Feb 17,2010 12:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
This still seems sincere.
[Feb 17,2010 12:10pm - sxealex ""]
aids par-aids
[Feb 17,2010 12:12pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:This still seems sincere.

I guess you could say it's a sincere appreciation of something, just not AIDS.
[Feb 17,2010 12:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Is it live or is it AIDS
[Feb 17,2010 12:23pm - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:This still seems sincere.

You're accused of the following charges
You're a woman trapped inside a man
Your sexuality no one denies you
But your preference we can't understand
You are the lonliness of all people

It's time for you to realize
AIDS like the plague is from God
For he sees something wrong in his eyes

Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence

That's what you get for having
A penis up your ass
You should have used a condom
That's what you get when you
Swallow another man's load
A lubricated condom

How do you find love in another man's hairy ass
You should have used a condom
Millions of lost hamsters
Running ramped in your bowels
Take the Hershey Highway

Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
A manly man
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men

Funny- I was blaring this last night.
[Feb 17,2010 12:55pm - Lamp ""]
Sheesh, is that a sincere song? Whoever wrote that should be killed.
[Feb 17,2010 1:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 17,2010 1:55pm - Conservationist ""]

Lamp said:Sheesh, is that a sincere song? Whoever wrote that should be killed.


Did you ever hear "Hide the Hamster" by the Day-glo Abortions?
[Feb 17,2010 2:34pm - Lamp ""]
No... now I'm starting to feel like this laughter may be at my cluelessness.
[Feb 17,2010 3:36pm - Beleth ""]

[Feb 17,2010 3:54pm - arktouros ""]
[Feb 17,2010 4:06pm - Conservationist ""]

arktouros said:[img]

Awesome bug dude
[Feb 17,2010 4:08pm - arktouros ""]
from reddit. no idea what it really is but i'm sure it's a genuine AIDS carrier.
[Feb 17,2010 4:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lamp, I must admit. I am quite surprised you don't know MOD lyrics, let alone Billy Milano's style.
[Feb 17,2010 4:43pm - Lamp ""]
I love SOD and am familiar with Billy Milano but never took the time to listen to MOD. The idea of that band just seemed to me like Billy Milano trying to take all of Scott Ian's ideas for SOD that never got used and making it look as though they were his own. If they're not serious lyrics then okay I can retract my statement easily, it seemed like black metal lyrics to me even though I should have known better as they're a bit too goofy in nature.
[Feb 17,2010 4:45pm - RustyPS ""]

Beleth said:[img]


son of bitch beat me to it

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