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I really really really really wanna put it in this girl

[Feb 18,2010 7:16am - beelze ""]

[Feb 18,2010 7:18am - beelze ""]
Real down to earth good sense of humor nice boobs...cant go wrong
[Feb 18,2010 7:35am - Bad news  ""]
She probably has a gut
[Feb 18,2010 7:38am - beelze ""]
I don't mind at all, I'd get all up in that shit
[Feb 18,2010 7:41am - Bad news  ""]
eh fuck it id probably snort lines off some portion of her body.
[Feb 18,2010 7:49am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
why do people post responses?
[Feb 18,2010 7:51am - beelze ""]
[Feb 18,2010 11:01am - BlackoutRick ""]

Bad%20news said:She probably has a gut

[Feb 18,2010 11:01am - BlackoutRick ""]
Or bubble cunt.
[Feb 18,2010 11:02am - ancient master  ""]
i find her slightly obnoxious
[Feb 18,2010 11:05am - pam ""]
[Feb 18,2010 11:05am - alexc ""]
this girl is boring and full of chub
[Feb 18,2010 11:09am - beelze ""]
I like her personality more down to earth more than a lot of dumb cunts out there
[Feb 18,2010 11:14am - timma@work  ""]
wtf is personality?

[Feb 18,2010 11:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
I really really really wanna shave her faggot head. She looks like if MTV's Daria had a little sister with a heightened sense of relevance and chubby arms...
[Feb 18,2010 11:14am - beelze ""]
Uhhhh...i'm not going to answer that for you...look it up
[Feb 18,2010 11:15am - beelze ""]
she looks like meg from family guy and i've always had a fetish for her
[Feb 18,2010 11:15am - brian_dc ""]
Fat Daria? You'll get some leg tonight for sure
[Feb 18,2010 11:24am - goatcatalyst ""]
Shooobidy boppidy!!!
[Feb 18,2010 11:27am - GUY ""]
i was hoping this was about that girl from my life with liz
[Feb 18,2010 11:29am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'd like to rape her with a garden weasel. On her birthday.
[Feb 18,2010 11:57am - SkinSandwich ""]
I bet she has a massive set of junk.
[Feb 18,2010 12:05pm - beelze ""]
chattin with the girl real hard at the moment
[Feb 18,2010 12:55pm - BlackoutRick ""]
lol. u like fattys.
[Feb 18,2010 12:59pm - beelze ""]
love em, a lil extra ya know what i'm sayin
[Feb 18,2010 2:44pm - your slargument is invalid  ""]
would do. shes not "hot" hot, but interesting looking, that goes a long way in my book.

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