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Shitting and browsing Rttp on company time APPRESH

[Feb 22,2010 9:41am - boblovessteamingloads  ""]
im sitting here reading what you dillholes post while the toxins drip from my asshole. im currently in the middle of a hot brown pudding pile. a brown mountain. Tell me your shit stories. When do you shit?
[Feb 22,2010 9:43am - shytemepants  ""]
[Feb 22,2010 9:51am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

boblovessteamingloads said:im sitting here reading what you dillholes post while the toxins drip from my asshole. im currently in the middle of a hot brown pudding pile. a brown mountain. Tell me your shit stories. When do you shit?

never ever shit on lunch, I always shit before my breaks at work.

worst shit story ever was when I worked in receiving unloading trucks, especially in summer when the warehouse was a cool 80 degrees of still dusty air. I took a huge, sloppy, fast food induced shit (the kind that builds a mountain with the top over the waterline)

well, one hour after this while unloading the truck the swamp but kicked in...left me the worst rash for days
[Feb 22,2010 10:03am - the_reverend ""]
i try to not shit at lunch, but i always end up having to.
[Feb 22,2010 10:28am - bradness nli  ""]
i am shittin an grinnin right now! an hour to an hour and a half after i wake up i shit. if i try to shit any sooner my butt bleeds and hurts.
[Feb 22,2010 10:32am - mutis ""]
Sometimes I drink coffee at work so I will have to shit before lunch. Speaking of which, gotta 'go'.
[Feb 22,2010 10:42am - SkinSandwich ""]
I just took a percocet dump. Painful ,yet I wipe and there is nothing there. aaaahhhhh...
[Apr 8,2010 9:15am - the_reverend ""]
the water at my work is brown and im making it browner.
[Apr 8,2010 9:22am - Little Tony Brown Town  ""]
I think I may have shite myself.
[Apr 8,2010 11:44am - pubert_benedicte ""]
just tried to poop, but to no avail...

too much cheese methinks.
[Apr 8,2010 12:24pm - C.dEaD  ""]

mutis said:Sometimes I drink coffee at work so I will have to shit before lunch. Speaking of which, gotta 'go'.

I do this just about everyday.
[Apr 8,2010 12:54pm - timma ""]
Fully appreesh'd. I do this on a daily.
[Apr 8,2010 3:07pm - hauptpflucker ""]
seriously there is nothing like crapping on the clock, it's one of the most fulfilling activities anyone can undertake
[Apr 8,2010 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
damn straight. don't EVER shit on break. even if you can't hold it, find a way and wait until break is over.
[Apr 8,2010 3:39pm - hauptpflucker ""]
fuck yeah it'll be even better that way too, all the anticipation...
[Jun 3,2010 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
im shitting for like the 5th time today on the clock. but after 2 nights of texas veggie chili and a lunch of indian food... i have never in my life had a more painful shit than right now. it hurt so bad that my ears started ringing and my nose started watering. no putt-putt in the rough for me for a while that is for damn sure.
[Jun 3,2010 3:58pm - bornoffire ""]
shitting and fucking off on the internet all day at work is the american dream.
[Jun 3,2010 4:06pm - Slag NLI  ""]
My place of employment uses recycled cardboard mixed with metal shavings for toilet paper. And i'm on shit #4 for the day. FMA.
[Jun 3,2010 5:11pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I work at a resturant that roasts coffee. All coffee all day. I only get one 15 break all day so I try and take shit breaks as much as possible.

I like when I take a dump and as I'm walking out I see a customer walking in right behind me and thinking " they just nasty shit dumped and are going to make my foodz"
[Jun 3,2010 8:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
boblovessteamingloads said:im sitting here reading what you dillholes post while the toxins drip from my asshole. im currently in the middle of a hot brown pudding pile. a brown mountain. Tell me your shit stories. When do you shit?

never ever shit on lunch, I always shit before my breaks at work.

worst shit story ever was when I worked in receiving unloading trucks, especially in summer when the warehouse was a cool 80 degrees of still dusty air. I took a huge, sloppy, fast food induced shit (the kind that builds a mountain with the top over the waterline)

well, one hour after this while unloading the truck the swamp but kicked in...left me the worst rash for days

Know the feeling. Tis the season for those days. After you shit, go in for a sequel wipe (usually you know you need a sequel wipe when your ass itches) like a half hour later.
[Jun 3,2010 8:21pm - No offense, but...  ""]

Eli_hhcb said:I like when I take a dump and as I'm walking out I see a customer walking in right behind me and thinking " they just nasty shit dumped and are going to make my foodz"

If you really want to freak them out, dry out the sink before you leave -- they'll see a dry sink and think, "He didn't wash his hands, and that nasty odor in the air matches what's in my food."

And if you really want to prank them, shit in their coffee.
[Jun 9,2010 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
wow... it is a FULL HOUSE in the bathroom right now.
[Sep 23,2011 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
Full bowel, empty bowl.
Empty bowel, full bowl.
[Sep 23,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
no, i don't like that "bowel" in there.
[Sep 23,2011 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
if you don't like bowels, then don't read clive barker.
[Sep 23,2011 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 23,2011 4:43pm - soul remnants  ""]
Srsly Yeti shut the fuck up i am going to kick your ass next time i see you
[Sep 23,2011 5:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol @ unconvincing trolling
[Sep 23,2011 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
i will be "dealt with accordingly".
[Sep 23,2011 5:38pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
all the same ip
[Dec 3,2012 4:36pm - DYA is @ ON THE PORCELAIN THRONE OF TERRA  ""]
First OFFICIAL shit @ the new job. Checkin' out the digs - roomy stalls, plenty of TP. A man could get used to this.
[Apr 15,2013 2:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Pooping at the NEW new job. Accommodations are spartan but clean. 6/10, would poop again.
[Apr 15,2013 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
my new work place gets a 3/10
[Apr 15,2013 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
1/10 here. Single bathroom stall for 10 men. Semen on the wall. No vent.
[Apr 15,2013 2:54pm - the_reverend ""]
in my new building the best shitter is the one that you smell like coffin craps for the rest of the day after use

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