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Dub Appreesh

[Feb 26,2010 3:04pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'm a fan of any kind of dub/trip hop/whatever you want to call it, but I've been on this huge "world music dub" kick lately.



Anyone else?
[Feb 26,2010 3:05pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Feb 26,2010 3:07pm - arktouros ""]

[Feb 26,2010 3:09pm - Sacreligion ""]
Everytime I think of Massive Attack I want to hatefuck Angelina Jolie while she's wearing red leather.
[Feb 26,2010 3:10pm - arktouros ""]
yeah something like that.

to me there are maybe 2 or 3 albums ever made that surpass Mezzanine
[Feb 26,2010 3:11pm - Sacreligion ""]
Ever is a strong word but may apply in this instance.
[Feb 26,2010 3:12pm - C.dEaD  ""]
[Feb 26,2010 3:13pm - C.dEaD  ""]
[Feb 26,2010 3:13pm - arktouros ""]

Sacreligion said:Ever is a strong word but may apply in this instance.
TO ME is a stronger word(s)
[Feb 26,2010 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
yeah dub is good stuff. i need some recommendations.
[Feb 26,2010 3:19pm - Sacreligion ""]
Bombay Dub Orchestra. FTW.
[Feb 26,2010 3:23pm - arktouros ""]
i was just gonna post a Mezzanine appreesh thread

check this out if you haven't heard it -
[Feb 26,2010 3:25pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'm listening to Teardrop right now. On a positive note it's not making me want to hatefuck House.
[Feb 26,2010 3:25pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah dub just fuckin' RULES!!!
[Feb 26,2010 3:29pm - Sacreligion ""]
"Oh...and as long as I've got you here, tell that French DJ Tricky to move out."
[Feb 26,2010 3:29pm - ArilliusBM ""]
[Feb 26,2010 3:30pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Feb 26,2010 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
he's living on our couch, with the urine.
[Feb 26,2010 3:32pm - Sacreligion ""]
It smells like...bad eggs.
[Feb 26,2010 3:33pm - arktouros ""]

Sacreligion said:I'm listening to Teardrop right now. On a positive note it's not making me want to hatefuck House.

fuck that show, i can't believe they used that song.
[Feb 26,2010 3:34pm - ArilliusBM ""]
My suggestion would be to just listen to the College stations more often. There's always good electronic music being played.
[Feb 26,2010 3:35pm - Sacreligion ""]
Eh. If I ever watch more than 3 minutes of an episode I have to watch the rest. Without fail.
[Feb 26,2010 3:36pm - Sacreligion ""]

ArilliusBM said:My suggestion would be to just listen to the College stations more often. There's always good electronic music being played.


My car couldn't make it up the hill on my street the other night so I sat in my car at the bottom of the road waiting for a plow. Apparently that section of my street is a beacon for radio stations you don't usually get in Worcester because I listened to some metal show on WUML and then listened to a bunch of Aphex Twin and other shit on what I think was BC radio(91.1 maybe?)
[Feb 26,2010 3:37pm - arktouros ""]
it's not bad, i just feel like that song is mine and not that asshole house's. fuck that guy and his name.
[Feb 26,2010 3:38pm - Sacreligion ""]
You can call him Greg if it will make you feel better.
[Feb 26,2010 3:40pm - Yeti ""]
he reminds me of Clark for some reason.
[Feb 26,2010 3:42pm - Sacreligion ""]
If I woke up in a hospital and Clark was my doctor I don't know what the fuck my reaction would be.
[Feb 26,2010 11:08pm - t2daeek ""]
steel pulse.
[Mar 5,2010 10:47am - Yeti ""]
my co-worker gave me a copy of "Subliminal Sandwich" by Meat Beat Manifesto, great stuff.
[Mar 5,2010 10:48am - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:my co-worker gave me a copy of "Subliminal Sandwich" by Meat Beat Manifesto, great stuff.
[Mar 5,2010 10:52am - Slag NLI  ""]

arktouros said:
Yeti said:my co-worker gave me a copy of "Subliminal Sandwich" by Meat Beat Manifesto, great stuff.

One of the first 10 electronic albums I ever listened to. Still one of the more organic sounding sample based albums ever produced IMO.

[Mar 5,2010 11:15am - Slag NLI  ""]
Because I feel like it, check out these album suggestions.

Arovane - Tides = Wishful, longing, dreaming on a shoreline, teenage angst. Chillout with actual feelings

Arovane - Lilies = fragile, slightly pretty, slightly sad. Slight japanese themed? Makes me think of my lifes failures and youth in a introspective way. The artist's final album... sort of a longing farewell. Cry Osaka Cry = one of my top 10 electronic songs ever.

Bola - Fyuti - A space induced trip exquistely produced. Strange beats, noises, excellent melodies. Some of the best headphone music ever.

Wisp - honor beats - Aphex twin like melodies and atmosphere with less spastic breakbeats. Excellent songwriting and more accessible than faster electronic albums.

If you like these, I have 100's more suggestions.

[Mar 5,2010 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
do you listen to Throbbing Gristle? i've been listening to them too, very strange.
[Mar 5,2010 2:17pm - Goatrider ""]
There was an annoying techno DJ at a Gogol Bordello show who someone referred to as "dub" music. I had no idea what they were talking about. Anyhoo, I still don't know much about it. Early 'Skuppy is as electronic as I get.

(Oh and yes, I am totally gay for liking Gogol Bordello. The drunk irish guy on the street after the show pointed it out. I pointed out he was a mick, but he didn't hear me.)
[Mar 5,2010 3:10pm - MetalThursday ""]
King Tubby

Still need to get the Bad Brains dub remix album...

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