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Black Hole... Blind Men and Occult Forces!!!

[Mar 1,2010 10:23pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pay extra attention from 6:45 on.


The last minute and a half of "Blind Men and Occult Forces" is SO fucking boss.

Just saw this interview posted on the NWN! forum. I really dig sleazy Italian "cultural" shit like Argento and Fulci and Death SS, Mortuary Drape and Necromass / Altar of Perversion and this fits well. I can't fucking get enough Black Hole lately. (and take that as you will... I legit can't wait to fuck a black chick)


and here's the album. if you love metal riffs and occult/horror inappropriate guinea atmosphere, get high and listen to it while reading the interview and thank me later. the lustre of your medallion will improve tenfold.


I'm loathe to offer a rapidshare link but the only non-rs link i found had two corrupt files.
[Mar 1,2010 10:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]
thank fuck i was able to edit and fix the video before beelze popped in and ruined it for me
[Mar 1,2010 10:32pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Kicks my cock loose
[Mar 1,2010 11:39pm - blessed offal  ""]
holy shit black hole! ryan where can i buy this, its necessary

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