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Light is the Language news

[Dec 30,2002 4:54pm - the_reverend ""]
just got this update from brian:

"As of last night, December the 29th, us in Light Is The Language have come to the mutual decision with our fill in singer to have him come aboard as the new full time vocalist for the band. His name is Fred Kaplan and he has the voice that we've been looking for all this time. The band now feels truly complete with the addition of this new member. With everything squared away and the band back on track, we'll be able to once again play shows and work on new material for an eventual full length album. Once again, any interested parties please contact us at lightisthelanguage@hotmail.com." Thanks- Light Is The Language
[Dec 30,2002 7:45pm - xScottx ""]
thats awesome if you saw them at the show that he played with them youd understand it was pure fucking brilliance

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