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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to ouchdrummer.
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[QUOTE="ouchdrummer:1050301"][QUOTE="Yeti:1050288"]seriously, just smoke Salvia. kids are so dumb. we smoked commercial weed and were happy about it. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE="arilliusbm:1050277"]Salvia > k2[/QUOTE] Ok, so i agree that salvia sounds better than this bullshit, but by no means am ian advocate of Salvia. It's down right evil. I think kids SHOULD do ayahuasca, mushrooms, mescaline, and acid. Salvia is the only thing that i've done that actually scares me. Salvia is NOT harmless, just because it's legal doesn't mean anything. And it's not even fun. Almost EVERYONE i know that's tried salvia has not wanted to do it again, it makes you see everything in red and black. (literally) it's not the beautiful colorful trip that other psychedelics are, it's dark, evil, and if you smoke enough of the extract you'll totally loose control. Not just the laughing silliness you see people do on youtube, but real frieking nutbag stuff. This K2 stuff sounds pretty stupid too, at least with research chemis you're getting a controlled amount of an analogue or derivative of a trytamine or phenethylamine. With this K2 stuff, you can't even rely on weighing it to find out how much you're doing, you have no idea how much of the chemical they sprayed on it. At least with Research chemis you can weigh the pure chemical and know how much you're doing. (although they're definitely not MUCH safer) Just do ayahuasca. You'll be happy that you did, you'll see you're life through total ego-less eyes, and you'll make profound decisions that will affect the rest of your life in a positive way. And it' very colorful, and the body high is only comparable to E or Heroine.[/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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