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ejaculated in shampoo

[Mar 5,2010 7:36am - pegan magen  ""]
we ejaculated in pagen megans shampoo
[Mar 5,2010 7:41am - MetalThursday ""]
In b4... something
[Mar 5,2010 7:57am - ouchdrummer ""]

pegan%20magen said:we ejaculated in pagen megans shampoo

I gotta say, fictitious or not, this statement is disgusting.
[Mar 5,2010 8:06am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
in before Pagan Megan randomly logs on for the first time to rttp in a while to see this one post of all posts.

That girl is living out my 19 year old dream of living in europe and playing metal.
[Mar 5,2010 8:12am - josh_hates_you ""]
psssshhhhhh. who hasn't ejaculated in a shampoo bottle?

move to europe and play metal or you are a pussy.
[Mar 5,2010 8:13am - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 5,2010 8:13am - ouchdrummer ""]

josh_hates_you said:psssshhhhhh. who hasn't ejaculated in a shampoo bottle?

move to europe and play metal or you are a pussy.

i, sir.
[Mar 5,2010 8:16am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm pretty sure she's been back for a little while
[Mar 5,2010 8:20am - Lamp ""]
Giving your hair a dose of protein and some of that sweet sweet sheen.
[Mar 5,2010 8:43am - PHILIP ANSELMO  ""]
Boy, y'all ain't got uh TENTH of thuh foahtitude...thuh determination.............thuh goddamn will of STEEL that mah gurl has.
Keep oahn makin' yoah tiny little jokes....live yoah tiny..small....empty....maaaaaaaaaaaaan, how can you see how small and dirty you awuh when y'all is lowah than shit. I ASK YOU! goddamn.........
[Mar 5,2010 8:46am - SkinSandwich ""]
Baby batter shampoo
[Mar 5,2010 9:18am - goatcatalyst ""]
I love the parts where Philip distracts himself and starts a completely new thought mid-sentence.
[Mar 5,2010 11:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 5,2010 11:25am - DrumKing  ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
That girl is living out my 19 year old dream of being a huge poser who claims to be a metal vet but lied to everybody about her love for metal then moved to Europe to try to have sex with German men and lie to them about metal even more even though 7 years ago her favorite band was children of bodom and she just became obsessed with old school thrash to appeal to the dumb crowd get to suck more off

[Mar 5,2010 11:29am - ouchdrummer ""]

DrumKing said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
That girl is living out my 19 year old dream of being a huge poser who claims to be a metal vet but lied to everybody about her love for metal then moved to Europe to try to have sex with German men and lie to them about metal even more even though 7 years ago her favorite band was children of bodom and she just became obsessed with old school thrash to appeal to the dumb crowd get to suck more off

I don't even know this girl, but it sounds like you were hurt by her not... i dunno, not giving you attention? NOT sucking you off? You jealous?
[Mar 5,2010 1:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]



[Mar 5,2010 1:52pm - arktouros ""]

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