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Oldest Dimmu Recorded (when they were killer)

[Mar 5,2010 9:07am - beelze ""]

[Mar 5,2010 9:12am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I still think they're killer...
[Mar 5,2010 9:16am - PHILIP ANSELMO  ""]
One word, and ah'm gone..............TOPHATS
[Mar 5,2010 9:42am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Not a fan of the last three albums but I still hail Dimmu as the kings of prissy black metal.
[Mar 5,2010 9:47am - arilliusbm ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Not a fan of the last three albums but I still hail Dimmu as the kings of prissy black metal.

[Mar 5,2010 9:52am - Slag NLI  ""]
Deathcult Armegeddon tickles my fancy.
[Mar 5,2010 9:54am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Meh. Less mosh riffs, moar Enya influenced atmosphere plzkthnx.
[Mar 5,2010 9:54am - arilliusbm ""]
I really don't like the direction they went in.
[Mar 5,2010 9:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Mike & I agree on too much.
[Mar 5,2010 10:03am - arktouros ""]
i'm a fan more or less. they're symphonic metal more than anything. Mourning Palace is one of my favorite songs. They really wouldn't be out of place on a Disney movie soundtrack.
[Mar 5,2010 10:05am - brian_dc ""]
Another cool, "Hey cool guys, remember when that not cool band was cool? Yeah, that was cool" thread.
[Mar 5,2010 10:09am - arilliusbm ""]
Most fans who don't listen to black metal that much prefer their new albums.
I've been following them since edt was their newest release and watched this band turn into a genre whoring revolving door of musicians. bring back the old lineup, strip shagraths ego away from him, and voilĂ ! a better band of old.
[Mar 5,2010 10:11am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I wonder if people who like uncool bands have higher IQ's because they're being unconventional in their musical preferences.

[Mar 5,2010 10:13am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Of course I always thought early Dimmu was cool, from the lush keyboard passages to the top hat and gauntlets.

As we all know, black metal is for gays by gays.
[Mar 5,2010 10:14am - brian_dc ""]

Black metal ist FUBU
[Mar 5,2010 10:21am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Can someone give me one good reason why this man hasn't become an internet meme yet?
[Mar 5,2010 10:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Because he ripped off old video game music?
[Mar 5,2010 10:26am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
In terms of becoming a meme, I'd say that's more pro than con.
[Mar 5,2010 10:27am - arilliusbm ""]
Because he joined the Norwegian military?
[Mar 5,2010 10:29am - arilliusbm ""]
I agree. I have the live in koln concert show and he is goofy as fuck with that top hat. What makes it more funny is that he was emotionless and didn't move at all while playing in deaths embrace
[Mar 5,2010 10:31am - im thinkin slarbys  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:I wonder if people who like uncool bands have higher IQ's because they're being unconventional in their musical preferences.


that would certainly explain passion pit
[Mar 5,2010 10:32am - Yeti ""]
I hate what they became, but i'll always love Dimmu. at first i enjoyed In Sorte Diaboli, but over time it lost it's appeal. now i can't stand it. however everything before i still love, Death Cult Armageddon is a killer album. i'll most likely never pay attention to anything they do again, live or in studio. the last live show was horrible. i wish Shagrath had stuck with the vocals he did on Godless Savage Garden, "Moonchild Domain" and "Chaos Without Prophecy" are two of the best songs they ever did, and his voice is insane. it's when he did that open throat roaring as opposed to the obnoxious popeye growl he does now. has anyone heard the new band Ov Hell? i don't even want to waste my time.
[Mar 5,2010 2:18pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This band was never killer.

Whenever I hear their name all I can imagine is a disembodied hand wearing a frilly lace sleeve playing the fruitiest keyboard solo ever and cooling down by fingerbanging a pudgy goth girl.
[Mar 5,2010 2:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 5,2010 2:43pm - beelze ""]
I'd fingerbang a pudgy goth girl...Got a problem?
[Mar 5,2010 2:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Bobby is dating Shagraths girlfriends son, Weston Coppola Cage AKA Arcane from the later Dimmu worship band Eyeas of Noctum. These guys were lamer than Sign of the Goat if thats possible...
[Mar 5,2010 2:52pm - beelze ""]
Lamer than Panzerbastard?!?!? What?
[Mar 5,2010 2:52pm - beelze ""]
Actually that shit really is lame sorry...only the drums are good.
[Mar 5,2010 2:57pm - beelze ""]
punk infused fagcore
[Mar 5,2010 2:57pm - KPANZER  ""]
Hey funny boy, guess what? I don't care if 'it's just the internet,don't take it seriously'
You insult my band-We have a problem
You can't talk your way out of this, see you around
[Mar 5,2010 2:58pm - beelze ""]
You mad bro...LOLOLOLOL
[Mar 5,2010 3:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh snap!
[Mar 5,2010 3:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Well we are doing the fagcore thing intentionally...thats my fav style.

Drums are only good in your opinion because Marcus is the only one that DOESN'T make fun of you hahah....

anyway. I'm kidding. I just like being mean on th3 intarwebZ...it influences my BM project Feelings Hurter.
[Mar 5,2010 3:01pm - beelze ""]
No because I hate hardcore...that's why the shit is lame
[Mar 5,2010 3:05pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Can we now get back on the subject of Dimmu playing the best flowery black metal imaginable?
[Mar 5,2010 3:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Stormblast. Cheesy album, or one of their best? Nothing says grim blackmetal like arpeggiated chords played on a keyboard.
[Mar 5,2010 3:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]

KPANZER said:Hey funny boy, guess what? I don't care if 'it's just the internet,don't take it seriously'
You insult my band-We have a problem
You can't talk your way out of this, see you around

I also hate the "it's the internet, don't take it seriously." attitude. It's an excuse to not take credit/responsibility for what you say.
[Mar 5,2010 3:11pm - beelze ""]

[Mar 5,2010 3:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
I say shit all the time here that I don't agree with. I could care less about any credibility or lackthereof that rttp gives me. If you know me, you know me. If not, fuck you until I meet you.
[Mar 5,2010 3:11pm - beelze ""]

arilliusbm said:I say shit all the time here that I don't agree with. I could care less about any credibility or lackthereof that rttp gives me. If you know me, you know me. If not, fuck you until I meet you.
[Mar 5,2010 3:12pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

arilliusbm said:Sure.
Stormblast. Cheesy album, or one of their best? Nothing says grim blackmetal like arpeggiated chords played on a keyboard.

Anyone that says Broderskapets Ring isn't a great song is a total liar.
[Mar 5,2010 3:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
beelze though, if you got a prob with Keith or Andy i'm sorry honey, I'd side with them. <3
[Mar 5,2010 3:14pm - beelze ""]
I don't even know them...
[Mar 5,2010 3:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: fingerbanging pugdy goth girls is better than Dimmu Borgir
[Mar 5,2010 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
this Beelze boner is one of the only two people i've ever ignored. a prime example of why i hate majority of metal people.
[Mar 5,2010 3:16pm - Slag NLI  ""]
ITT: Another reason for me to wish all of you were Vulcan.
[Mar 5,2010 3:16pm - beelze ""]

[Mar 5,2010 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Sure.
Stormblast. Cheesy album, or one of their best? Nothing says grim blackmetal like arpeggiated chords played on a keyboard.

one of their best. it's funny about Sorgens Kammer and how it's ripped off from a video game.
[Mar 5,2010 3:17pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I want to play too =(

[Mar 5,2010 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
I know them but don't know you. In fact, I don't recall disliking anyone I've met from this board.
[Mar 5,2010 3:20pm - beelze ""]

[Mar 5,2010 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Godless Savage Gahden was cool khed. Mixture of edt and sbd
[Mar 5,2010 3:21pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Something about eating painkillers and listening to old Dimmu just works for me.
[Mar 5,2010 3:22pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
We met when I was in CNV and we had the grim pleasure of playing with you in Somerville (i think)...I made fun of you guys on RTTP back then too....wait no, maybe we didnt actually meet because you guys went on at like 3pm and played to the bartender and sound guy and the fled the scene before anyone else including the other bands even showed up...i wanted to see you guys live too... :(
[Mar 5,2010 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
i love Spiritual Black Dimensions. that was when they changed their sound, but they retained a lot of EDT. his vocals were still awesome too, he actually tried instead of half-assing it to sound like a watered down Abbath.
[Mar 5,2010 3:26pm - KPANZER  ""]
I was at the same show, caught your set and was talking to all of you afterwards.
Doesn't change a damn thing,
[Mar 5,2010 3:26pm - beelze ""]

[Mar 5,2010 3:28pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Spiritual Black Dimensions is a weird album because none of the tracks really stand out on their own. I always enjoyed Dreamside Dominions though.
[Mar 5,2010 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria is so good. i love the production, i've heard a lot of complaints about it but i think Peter Tatgren did a great job. similar to Borknagar's Quintessence.
[Mar 5,2010 3:29pm - beelze ""]

KPANZER said:I was at the same show, caught your set and was talking to all of you afterwards.
Doesn't change a damn thing,

lies, lies, lies

I didnt talk to anyone at that show
[Mar 5,2010 3:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
The skybar show?
I was the guy throwing spitballs at SotG; was that with you Andy? Can't remember. Blurry night of drinking 40s in front of that CVS and getting yelled at
[Mar 5,2010 3:31pm - beelze ""]
Fuck you
[Mar 5,2010 3:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]

beelze said:
arilliusbm said:I say shit all the time here that I don't agree with. I could care less about any credibility or lackthereof that rttp gives me. If you know me, you know me. If not, fuck you until I meet you.

So why would you say something online about someone else's band that you don't mean? Or that you don't want someone else to take seriously? I don't even know those guys, so i have no opinion whatsoever... but i like their music.
[Mar 5,2010 3:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Uh the insight and Catharis anyone? Best vocals vortex ever did in any of his bands
[Mar 5,2010 3:32pm - beelze ""]
Because he said the same shit about my band you retard
[Mar 5,2010 3:33pm - KPANZER  ""]
Guitarist wearing the GRAVELAND shirt, that was you right.
[Mar 5,2010 3:33pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
No I wasnt throwing spit balls...I'm better at being an asshole than that.
[Mar 5,2010 3:34pm - beelze ""]
[Mar 5,2010 3:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]

beelze said:Because he said the same shit about my band you retard

I think you missed my point. I was pointing out that you said something, then followed with a statement about how you say stuff on the internet that you don't mean, and that if people know you, they know you... implying that they shouldn't take what you said seriously.. I don't care. Nevermind.

and i'm not retarted. You're a mean person.
[Mar 5,2010 3:35pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Uh the insight and Catharis anyone? Best vocals vortex ever did in any of his bands

the live version is amazing.
[Mar 5,2010 3:35pm - beelze ""]
I'm a mean person because this forum gets me heated
[Mar 5,2010 3:35pm - Yeti ""]

ouchdrummer said:
beelze said:Because he said the same shit about my band you retard

I think you missed my point. I was pointing out that you said something, then followed with a statement about how you say stuff on the internet that you don't mean, and that if people know you, they know you... implying that they shouldn't take what you said seriously.. I don't care. Nevermind.

and i'm not retarted. You're a mean person.

this dude is a jackass. don't waste your time.
[Mar 5,2010 3:36pm - beelze ""]
I was wearing a cloak that night
[Mar 5,2010 3:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
I don't talk any negative shit about any local Bands on this unless I've got a major issue with someone in them.
Sparying random rhetoric on this board is different than talking legit shit about another local band. I don't like all the bands here, as I'm sure everybody agrees. I hate when people suck eachother off over a specific band though.
[Mar 5,2010 3:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:
ouchdrummer said:
beelze said:Because he said the same shit about my band you retard

I think you missed my point. I was pointing out that you said something, then followed with a statement about how you say stuff on the internet that you don't mean, and that if people know you, they know you... implying that they shouldn't take what you said seriously.. I don't care. Nevermind.

and i'm not retarted. You're a mean person.

this dude is a jackass. don't waste your time.

So about next weekend, john was planning on comming over sunday afternoon the day after the show. Ayahuasca?
[Mar 5,2010 3:37pm - KPANZER  ""]
I've never said word one about your band, you got a problem with someone in my band-take it to him.
[Mar 5,2010 3:37pm - arilliusbm ""]

AndrewBastard said:No I wasnt throwing spit balls...I'm better at being an asshole than that.

hahaha yea. I was bored and drunk.
[Mar 5,2010 3:38pm - beelze ""]
Andy did not you
[Mar 5,2010 3:38pm - KPANZER  ""]
Too late now, though.
[Mar 5,2010 3:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Uh the insight and Catharis anyone? Best vocals vortex ever did in any of his bands

Yeah, I can thoroughly get behind this statement.
[Mar 5,2010 3:39pm - beelze ""]
[Mar 5,2010 3:39pm - Yeti ""]

ouchdrummer said:So about next weekend, john was planning on comming over sunday afternoon the day after the show. Ayahuasca?

the 14th correct? i don't believe i have anything to do. depends on the time really.
[Mar 5,2010 3:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
Too many conversations going on in this thread
[Mar 5,2010 3:40pm - Yeti ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
arilliusbm said:Uh the insight and Catharis anyone? Best vocals vortex ever did in any of his bands

Yeah, I can thoroughly get behind this statement.

the best thing in this song is when he says "what more do you need of proof" it sounds exactly like he says "what more than an anal probe".
[Mar 5,2010 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wish I was cool enough to drink that vile tea.
[Mar 5,2010 3:46pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'm gonna be more like Wrenlovesbobsmusic and start loving every local band ever no matter what.
[Mar 5,2010 3:48pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
How about this: Fuck local bands, only Europe is real.
[Mar 5,2010 3:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

beelze said:Andy did not you

ITT: internet search followed by hilarious backpedaling
[Mar 5,2010 3:52pm - ouchdrummer ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
beelze said:Andy did not you

ITT: internet search followed by hilarious backpedaling

[Mar 5,2010 3:52pm - ancient master  ""]
i would like to see Andrew and Beelze fight...in fact, it should happen. Who will sponser this?
[Mar 5,2010 3:55pm - PanzerBitch  ""]
Why bother? Andrew isnt a fighter. He'll just cut and run. My cash money is on that nigga beelze. Khed is mad psykotik.
[Mar 5,2010 3:55pm - beelze ""]
dude no contest are you kidding me
[Mar 5,2010 3:55pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Only if Beelze weilds his Kmart axe and I can wear my plastic viking helmet.
[Mar 5,2010 3:57pm - beelze ""]
That's a one-sided bout right there
[Mar 5,2010 3:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
Andy is the former heavyweight champion of new England black metal. Could you really take him on?
[Mar 5,2010 4:00pm - beelze ""]
I am an axe wielding maniac...and I once wielded a chainsaw at my friend I opened my garage when he came over and revved that shit up and chased after him...im crazy dude
[Mar 5,2010 4:02pm - beelze ""]
1000th post
[Mar 5,2010 4:05pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
You so crrraaazzzyyy.
[Mar 5,2010 6:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Mar 5,2010 11:28pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
I never liked Dimmu Borgir.

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