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Medical Marihoohoo APPREESH Thread

[Mar 5,2010 1:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
So, probably not many of you are aware of this, but my dad has been busily dying of stomach cancer (wide a side of lung tumorettes). The cancer isn't so much what's been killing him, as the fact that he hasn't been able to eat more than a small bowl of sherbet in a day, for weeks now, so he's been simply starving to death. All the anti-nausea meds he's tried have a) not really worked and b) given him a panoply of lovely side effects (ranging from potentially fatal hives to waking nightmares that "made [him] want to die"). Beyond that, the pain meds (some serious-ass morphine derivatives in rather large quantities) take hours to kick in, haven't been working that well, and constipate him to the point that he started puking up intestine contents.

Finally, after resisting the idea since the beginning of all this, he got desperate enough to try "alternative therapies." (The final straw was when he asked the oncologist about Marinol pills and she told him "you're better off just smoking it.") Dispensing for the moment with the downright surreal experience of smoking a joint with my dad (even more surreal since it ended up being totally nonchalant), he sat on the porch for a few, went and sat inside for a few, then drifted off for a nap. Woke up and asked for beef stew; I left to pick up my brother from the train station, and when I came back he was working on chicken and rice soup. Which he apparently got up and got himself; he hasn't gotten his own food in over two months. He says he has "no pain"; the first time since before the diagnosis.

Dangerous, immoral drugs fucking rule.
[Mar 5,2010 1:22pm - Yeti ""]
wow dude, i'm sorry to hear about his misfortune. is there an optimistic prognosis?

hail the leaf.
[Mar 5,2010 1:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sorry to hear that Steve. Glad to hear it's working out right now with the new alternative mysterious herb that is outlawed.
Best wishes with the situation.
[Mar 5,2010 1:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
As a matter of fact, the tumors HAVE been shrinking from chemo, it's just that the one in his stomach was killing him by starving him. It's still entirely possible that it could get him, but his status may have changed to "just dying of cancer" from "literally starving to death in front of us while half-delirious on morphine".
[Mar 5,2010 1:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
*casts cure lvl 3*
[Mar 5,2010 1:31pm - arktouros ""]
best thing i've heard all week. hail the leaf.
[Mar 5,2010 1:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Disclaimer: I'm fully still a fan of "cancer" on Facebook.
[Mar 5,2010 1:59pm - dreadkill ""]
sorry to hear about your dad's cancer but glad to hear something's working and making him feel better.
[Mar 5,2010 2:04pm - Goatrider ""]
Having a family member with cancer sucks, sorry to hear that.

Though, at least your dad's cancer still permits to him to smoke!
[Mar 5,2010 2:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
pm sent
[Mar 5,2010 2:13pm - oscarct ""]
sorry to hear about your dad. Good that he is able to eat now
[Mar 5,2010 2:16pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Knew about this, but not severity. My thoughts are with your family. May the mighty leaf prevail.
[Mar 5,2010 2:53pm - Lamp ""]

arktouros said:hail the leaf.

Don't say this name, please!

It really sucks that your dad's in bad shape but damn smoking a joint with my dad is something I'd like to do as well.
[Mar 5,2010 2:54pm - arktouros ""]
hail the...reef?
[Mar 5,2010 2:58pm - Lamp ""]
Anyone who was posting on this board around 2006 or so will understand my reaction.
[Mar 5,2010 3:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, SRSLY.
[Mar 5,2010 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha that's exactly why i put "hail the leaf". i saw the thread earlier about Seabeast and it made me think of that creature.
[Mar 5,2010 3:21pm - Lamp ""]
Hail the Leaf migrated over to the Lots of Noise boards and is posting similar garbage, though not really so much lately.

And to anyone who remembers the epic HTL/Hoser wars, imagine Hail the Leaf arguing with Conservationist. It makes me want to roll on the floor with laughter just thinking about it.
[Mar 5,2010 3:30pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
wow, sorry to hear that man, I hope he makes it! And as far as the weed thing, that's great that he can be open minded about it and that it's helping. I think my old man would smoke it, I know he did before I was born and has said he thnks it should be legal. My mom on the other hand, I don't think so.
[Mar 5,2010 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
yeah i don't think i'd be able to get my dad to do it. he'd rely too heavily on what's "legal and moral".
[Mar 5,2010 3:31pm - Lamp ""]
My parents both smoked pot pretty regularly back in the day but I don't think either of them do now. I remember my mom telling me a few years ago that the last time she smoked was when I was about 10 years old or so (12-13 years ago) and didn't enjoy it at all.
[Mar 5,2010 4:29pm - ark  ""]

Lamp said:epic HTL/Hoser wars, imagine Hail the Leaf arguing with Conservationist.

hahaha...i'd rather masturbate with a brillo pad than have it out with hoser, at least conservatio you could have a decent discussion with.
[Mar 5,2010 4:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hail the Leaf was a man, not a woman.
[Mar 6,2010 2:03am - Lamp ""]

ark said:
Lamp said:epic HTL/Hoser wars, imagine Hail the Leaf arguing with Conservationist.

hahaha...i'd rather masturbate with a brillo pad than have it out with hoser, at least conservatio you could have a decent discussion with.

That's what I'm saying... Hoser was never able to argue well with her, he just insulted her at every turn. Conservationist would seriously tear her ideologies and world apart and it would be a hilarious read.
[Mar 6,2010 2:14am - boxxy ""]

ark said:

hahaha...i'd rather masturbate with a brillo pad than have it out with hoser, at least conservatio you could have a decent discussion with.

YOU SIR are nuts. Conservationist is the biggest megalomaniac on this site. He has nothing to add to conversation, except for some bullshit that makes you think "wait, maybe he has a point." Then you realize he's just full of shit.
[Mar 6,2010 3:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Hail the Leaf was a man, not a woman.

ITT: jim's gender confusion
[Mar 6,2010 7:06am - josh_hates_you ""]

arilliusbm said:Hail the Leaf was a man, not a woman.

actually she hit me up on plenty of fish. remember the last time that happened? haha.
[Mar 6,2010 10:07am - arilliusbm ""]

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