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Nomar to Retire as a Red Sox Player...

[Mar 10,2010 11:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
...after one day with team lol. he better play opening day and hit a grand slam or a pussy is he.


[Mar 10,2010 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
ha. I was going to make this thread earlier but decided not to because no one cares about baseball here. It's all NFL draft bullshit right now.
[Mar 10,2010 11:23am - dreadkill ""]
that's because baseball sucks and no one ever gets paralyzed.
[Mar 10,2010 11:25am - arktouros ""]

[Mar 10,2010 11:28am - RustyPS ""]
yea baseball players only get hit in the face with fastballs/comebackers every so often...


football players get seriously injured all the time

[Mar 10,2010 11:30am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
baseball and summer drinking go hand in hand.
[Mar 10,2010 11:33am - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 10,2010 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
nomar did so much juicing that he fell apart at age 29. FACT
[Mar 10,2010 11:45am - RustyPS ""]

[Mar 10,2010 12:18pm - xmikex ""]
Let's not forget the great things that Nomar did for the Sox...

Like being a slouch ass bitch to the point where we were able to trade him for Dave Roberts who actually did something productive in the clutch.

And why the hell would he pose for a shirtless photo looking like that?

Fuck you Nomar.
[Mar 10,2010 12:50pm - SkinSandwich ""]
He needs meds for his OCD.

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