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More Darkwor shit - FOEDERATI is fucking done, back from the printers

[Mar 10,2010 5:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Sitting here with a copy in my hand right now, looks pretty rad. Seriously surprised it didn't arrive the morning after the release show. After Saturday we'll get it up for PayPal on the myspace. Will also accept pig's blood and virgin sacrifices (we're flexible on the virgin part).
[Mar 10,2010 5:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
1 - dawn at adrianople
2 - foederati
3 - renaissance apocalypse
4 - III
5 - upon tlachtga and tara
6 - curse of atreus
7 - desecrating the remains
[Mar 10,2010 5:56pm - MetalThursday ""]
One of many, many reasons to look forward to Saturday night.
[Mar 10,2010 6:16pm - reimroc ""]
The official sountrack for all dwarf versus orc battles.
[Mar 10,2010 6:49pm - Slag ""]
Thank the anti-christ it is finally done.
[Mar 10,2010 8:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuggin stoakt

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