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Born of Fire presents: Thu June 3rd @ O'Brien's w/ PARASITIC EXTIRPATION (cd release!) & BOARCORPSE

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Mar 10,2010 7:29pm - blue ""]

Born of Fire presents

Thursday June 3rd 2010
@ O'Brien's Pub
3 Harvard Avenue - Allston, MA
8 PM $5 21+

Parasitic Extirpation (Technical Death/Grind, 'Casketless' CD release show)
Boarcorpse (The audio equivalent of bovine decay, not a CD release show for them)


Facebook event:
[Mar 10,2010 7:38pm - Archaeon ""]
FU 21
[Mar 10,2010 9:55pm - sxealex ""]
[Mar 10,2010 11:29pm - narkybark ""]
7 * 3
[Mar 11,2010 4:59am - boxxy ""]
best two locals right now..
[Mar 11,2010 5:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Most likely going to this
[Mar 11,2010 7:47am - timma ""]
Yeaaaaah boyeeeeee!

This show will go excellent with a side of PBR and Spike's.
[Mar 11,2010 8:13am - ouchdrummer ""]
"the audio equivilent of bovine decay" wtf?
[Mar 11,2010 8:15am - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, i just googled "bovine decay" and this page was the second hit. haha.
[Mar 11,2010 8:54am - ark  ""]
sick show is far away
[Mar 13,2010 3:08pm - kessaris ""]
Bore Core!!!
Boar Core!!!
Bore Corp!!!
Boar Corp!!!
[Mar 14,2010 8:04am - aaron_michael ""]

boxxy said:best two locals right now..
[May 12,2010 8:25pm - blue ""]
under a month away!
[May 13,2010 1:33pm - BORNOFFIRE ""]
Bumpity bump
[May 13,2010 1:35pm - reimroc ""]
wow i completely missed this thread. not anymore.

[May 13,2010 1:38pm - BORNOFFIRE ""]
and knowing is half the battle

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