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Saudi Arabia Death Metal

[Mar 13,2010 9:34am - BlownUpJamPad ""]
[Mar 13,2010 10:14am - demondave ""]

Actually Bahrain not Saudi Arabia, but close enough. The band in the article is pretty good.


Smouldering in Forgotten

Death/Black Metal

The Bonfire of the Apocalypse Demo, 2006
Legions Into Black Flames Full-length, 2007
I, Devourer Full-length, 2010


Encyclopaedia Metallum / Metal Archives

Old Cemetary is carrying their first LP

[Mar 13,2010 10:16am - demondave ""]
or rather, first CD
[Mar 13,2010 10:48am - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I think I have their CD, haven't listened to it yet.

Middle Eastern metal in general is awesome! Tons of awesome bands from there. Deathless Anguish is a favorite of mine!
[Mar 14,2010 12:11pm - Sixstringcarnage ""]
I once tried to get friend at the time who was jordianian to create a death metal project with Arabic vocals.. Thought it would brutal. Very semetical.
[Mar 14,2010 12:59pm - i_am_not_me ""]
"Death metal rocker"
[Mar 14,2010 2:27pm - thuringwethil ""]
I support any metal band trying to work under religious tyranny. Government is FUCKED over there.

We've got it pretty fuckin' easy here.
(Just don't u dare eat pizza during our set, haha!)
[Mar 14,2010 5:24pm - pooooooop  ""]
re: religious tyranny -

actually, Bahrain is pretty liberal. you can drink there, and a lot of rich middle-easterners (for example, Saudis) go there and to Dubai to where they can cut loose a bit.

it's a far cry from Saudi Arabia, where there's no booze (legally, anyway), you can't talk to females who aren't related to you, etc.

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