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Need band for Saturday at Church

[Mar 25,2010 9:28pm - swampthing  ""]
Skullhammer, Scaphism, Lethal Design and one more this Saturday 3pm at Church.

If your band is interested in taking our slot email me warp9.999 at gmail or hit up Robin.

[Mar 26,2010 3:37am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Forced asphyxiation can possibly do it. I will let you know before midday
[Mar 26,2010 3:38am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Almost 97% sure
[Mar 26,2010 7:53am - swampthing  ""]
now it's 100% forced asphyxiation. you guys rule, thanks!!
[Mar 26,2010 7:57am - swampthing  ""]
oh shit Robin says girls are half off place is gunna be packed!!!!

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