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My Best Friend's Girl

[Mar 27,2010 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
dane cOok. watching it now instead of doing something better.
[Mar 27,2010 7:42pm - bornofosichris ""]
i hear in some countries dane cook movies are an acceptable form of torture. absolutely savage if you ask me.
[Mar 27,2010 8:03pm - revnon  ""]
yeah, I agree.
[Mar 27,2010 8:22pm - revnon  ""]
vince vaughn and dane cook need to have a lottery so that one of them is killed. really they are like the same person. well, at least in movies.
[Mar 27,2010 8:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
that one was meh. The one with Jessica Alba as a penguin lover was funny

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