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What's your favorite BROKEN HOPE song?

[Mar 31,2010 3:14am - This Mortal Boil  ""]
[Mar 31,2010 3:17am - markworkingrichards  ""]
I approve of this thread.

Transluscence; Skin Is In is a close 2nd.
[Mar 31,2010 6:49am - MetalThursday ""]
Find out on April 15th @ Ralph's.
[Mar 31,2010 9:38am - timma ""]
Skin Is In, mos def.

Opening riff is demolitionz.
[Mar 31,2010 10:12am - the_reverend ""]
he was raped FTW
[Mar 31,2010 10:39am - timma ""]

the_reverend said:he was raped FTW

Reading this as "he was raped for the win" made me lolz
[Mar 31,2010 11:03am - c.DeAd  ""]
"Hobo Stew". Band had the best song titles especially on "Bowels of Repugnance". That's easily the best record for me.
[Mar 31,2010 11:04am - c.DeAd  ""]
Fuck, now I have to break that tape out.
[Mar 31,2010 11:13am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Toss up between The Dead Half, Dilation and Extraction, and Siamese Screams.
[Mar 31,2010 12:31pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Old: Swamped in Gore
New(er): Wolf among Sheep (I think that's the song title)
[Mar 31,2010 4:13pm - This Mortal Boil  ""]


Why the hell are their albums rated relatively poorly on Metal Archives???
[Mar 31,2010 4:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Because Metal Archives is full of music hating faggots.
[Mar 31,2010 5:01pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Swamped In Gore, Awakened By Stench, High On Formaldehyde and Captain Howdy
[Mar 31,2010 5:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]
High On Formaldehyde. the rest of Loathing is a close 2nd.
[Mar 31,2010 5:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I was lucky enough to see them play in RI before they disbanded.
[Mar 31,2010 5:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Mar 31,2010 6:08pm - blue ""]
The riffing in Siamese Screams (or the whole Loathing album) always makes me lose it.
[Apr 1,2010 1:11am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Apr 1,2010 1:14am - the_reverend ""]
loathing is suck an awesome album. ahead of their times.
[Apr 1,2010 11:06am - DJ DEATH  ""]
[Apr 1,2010 12:15pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

the_reverend said:suck an awesome album
[Apr 1,2010 12:15pm - the_reverend ""]
oops. such. I reserve my suckings for my spellings.
[Apr 1,2010 12:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I love sucking on awesome albums.
[Apr 1,2010 12:27pm - Beezle  ""]
You suck peroid. nothign about broken hope is even close to harcore.
[Apr 1,2010 1:24pm - whoremastery ""]
high on formaldehyde, penis envy is a close 2nd
[Apr 1,2010 2:05pm - MetalThursday ""]
Necro-fellatio, closely followed by the song Despoilment is covering on April 15th. Someone mentioned it already.
[Apr 1,2010 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
this is one band i've never found any interest in. but it's been years since i listened to them. i'll have to give Loathing another shot.
[Apr 1,2010 3:38pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
I reaaaaalllly hope I can make it to the Metal Thursday on April 15th; if it's anything off of loathing I will piss my asshole.
[Apr 1,2010 3:39pm - blue ""]

Yeti said:this is one band i've never found any interest in. but it's been years since i listened to them. i'll have to give Loathing another shot.

this statement is retarded. band was so ahead of it's time. 'loathing' made me totally rethink technical death metal guitar.
[Apr 1,2010 3:40pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
You tell 'em, Blue.
[Apr 1,2010 3:51pm - Yeti ""]

blue said:
Yeti said:this is one band i've never found any interest in. but it's been years since i listened to them. i'll have to give Loathing another shot.

this statement is retarded. band was so ahead of it's time. 'loathing' made me totally rethink technical death metal guitar.

i don't think "retarded" is an operative word for what i said. i clearly stated that i DIDN'T find interest in them, but am interested in giving it another shot considering the overwhelming praise for them.
[Apr 1,2010 3:52pm - Yeti ""]
i also don't find a whole lot of interest in "technical" death metal, but i'm warming up to it.
[Apr 1,2010 4:00pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Broken Hope isn't really a technical death metal band. They are just the best death metal band. Ever.
[Apr 1,2010 4:19pm - blue ""]
BH i wouldnt call a technical band per se, but 'loathing' to me sounds unlike their previous albums and is very much technical.
[Apr 1,2010 4:26pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Yeah there's definitely some godly riffage all over that album.
[Apr 1,2010 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Beezle said:You suck peroid. nothign about broken hope is even close to harcore.

hardly core?

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