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Anti-racist activist shot

[Apr 1,2010 8:13pm - Negrotic Christ  ""]

Sales of top Ramen plummet
[Apr 1,2010 8:32pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
“SHARP Shooter” by the old Volksfront-affiliated rock band, Jew Slaughter.
[Apr 2,2010 2:49am - Negrotic Christ  ""]
It's subtle and catchy.
[Apr 2,2010 4:29am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 2,2010 4:35am - Randy_Marsh ""]
so funny that someone took the time to draw that picture.
[Apr 2,2010 8:47am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I think they caught the guy already...or was that another nazi that killed an anti-racist activist. I just know at work we saw some white dude with a swastkia carved in his head on the news this morning and we all loled at the same time.

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