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what color is your dildo?

[Apr 3,2010 6:37pm - the_reverend ""]
just askin.
[Apr 3,2010 6:44pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
You might as well have addressed this to Pam. She's the only one with a vag on here.
[Apr 3,2010 6:58pm - sever ""]

MillenialKingdom said:You might as well have addressed this to Pam. She's the only one with a vag on here.

I would beg to disagree.
[Apr 3,2010 7:23pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Hmm, you may be right.
[Apr 3,2010 8:18pm - the_reverend ""]
There is a hell of a lot of people here that get sand all up in there vages
[Apr 3,2010 11:17pm - blessed offal  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:You might as well have addressed this to Pam. She's the only one with a vag on here.

you dont need a vag to make use of a dildo. mines currently brown and red.
[Apr 3,2010 11:38pm - thrasher ""]
mine was white. its brown now
[Apr 4,2010 12:29am - fuck logging in  ""]
I use my green dildo on my poopie hole.
[Apr 4,2010 12:39am - Alexecutioner ""]
Well we all know Rich Horror's is purple
[Apr 4,2010 12:43am - blessed offal  ""]
im surprised that this thread has gone 8 posts and has not been derailed from its original topic.
[Apr 4,2010 1:47am - Pires ""]

blessed%20offal said:im surprised that this thread has gone 8 posts and has not been derailed from its original topic.

its usually in the 12-15 range
[Apr 4,2010 2:53am - demondave ""]

no one posted a rich horror animated gif?

[Apr 4,2010 2:55am - filthyreuben  ""]
purple with white, red, and brown. sounds like a new flag.....
[Apr 4,2010 4:43am - Sacreligion ""]
ITT: RTTP's latent homosexuality.
[Apr 4,2010 7:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Sacreligion said:ITT: RTTP's barely concealed homosexuality.
[Apr 4,2010 10:25am - Goatrider ""]
this thread title implies that my magic glass dildo is only one color, and does not change it's rainbow pattern after use.

I'm offended. :(
[Apr 4,2010 10:26am - the_reverend ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Sacreligion said:ITT: RTTP's married homosexuality.

[Apr 4,2010 10:42am - DildoFaggins  ""]
hi guys. you may remember me in such films as "here's my cock again: a bobbit's tale" and "lord of the cock rings". just dropping by and stating that my dildo "sting" likes to glow blue when around orcs. their big slimy body is easy to penetrate with my dildo.
[Apr 4,2010 1:26pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'll give it a 6.3
[Apr 5,2010 6:21am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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