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band shirts for sale

[Apr 3,2010 11:07pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten ("a maggot infested corpse stares dismal") - size: small - $5

Cephalic Carnge - Xenosapien - size: small - $5

At the Gates - Suicidal Final Tour - size: small - $5

Coalesce - OX Bull Rider - size:small - $5

I live in the allston/brighton/brookline area and I need buck.
[Apr 3,2010 11:36pm - thrasher ""]
small? are you a hobbit?
[Apr 3,2010 11:39pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
pretty much.
[Apr 3,2010 11:41pm - the_reverend ""]
he could just be a hipster... I mean, it's getting so bad that even wren is getting into the small shirt fad.
[Apr 3,2010 11:44pm - blessed offal  ""]
i didnt even think they made death metal shirts in small.
[Apr 4,2010 12:03am - Randy_Marsh ""]
I'm 5' 6" and skinny. Mediums are a little too big on me, I'm probably smaller than most of you.

not really understanding the hate, its a size for people who are smaller than people who wear mediums.

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