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Rev I need your advice (memory timing + memory related crashes content)

[Apr 5,2010 11:21am - reimroc ""]
I have this mobo: http://www.evga.com/articles/385.asp

I have this memory: http://www.ocztechnology.com/product...n_dual_channel

Now at default my system sets the timing at 5-5-5-15 2T

According to OCZ and whats written on the sticks themselves is the timing should be 4-4-4-15 1T

Is it safe to switch the timing to what its "supposed" to be. Right now with 4 sticks my system sometimes crashes due to the memory(i can tell because the 780i has this analog thing on the mobo that has two values. whenever my system crashes it displays a 00 or 75 which means its memory). But when I remove 2 sticks, leaving 2GB in there my system never crashes.
[Apr 5,2010 1:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I have no clue. When I had issues with OCZ memory, the issue was a problem with which memory slot I had the modules loaded in.
[Apr 5,2010 10:26pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Play with the timings and run memtest86+ to stress test and make sure it's stable. If the new memory timings you enter are no good and the system won't boot to bios there's usually jumpers on the mobo that will reset the CMOS for you back to defaults.

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