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Anyone know what the deal is with those Green Van Rentals?

[Apr 6,2010 4:36pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Ya know the ones that run on vegetable oil? I tried calling and I got some nerdario's voice mail and I left a message twice to no avail... Is this shit still going on?
[Apr 6,2010 4:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is relavent to me interests
[Apr 6,2010 4:46pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
No idea but you can get hybrid vans fairly easily...
[Apr 6,2010 4:59pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Info please
[Apr 6,2010 5:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just did a search and found "Bandago" hybrid vans. fuckin 1000.00 for a week. blah

[Apr 6,2010 5:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
from what I remember most of these ideas fell through due to lack of consistency. there were a number of hippies that made their vw vans run on veggie oil but it wasn't meant for long rides. I could be wrong though. I didn't know you could rent them.
Out in the Midwest they have more gas stations that carry ethanol fuel for cars that have ethanol capabilities. But from what I understand there hasnt been much progress in that area and it's not reliable like gas cars.

Doesn't really matter but in India they are developing air-powered cars. hoepfully that'll hit the states soon.
everything these days is hybrid or straight up electric.
[Apr 6,2010 5:14pm - Paul CNV  ""]

I called em' three times... I assume they are no longer
[Apr 6,2010 10:13pm - ernie  ""]
the hivsmashers had one, if i remembercorrectly they paid 1500 for a week and it came with enough fuel to last almost the entire time. it was pretty sweet, butyou could seriously just buy your own van for that much money.
[Apr 6,2010 10:23pm - Paul CNV  ""]
yup and that is what I shall do... My Heavy Metal Thunder Van will crush and destroy all
[Apr 6,2010 10:27pm - ernie  ""]
i was going to buy this so i didnt tell anyone about it. i guess i can pass it on to a worthy people. you owe me.
[Apr 6,2010 10:37pm - Paul CNV  ""]
I have a 88' chevy with 44 thousand and some change on it I'm lookin at... It looks haggard... New paint job with Lemmy air brushed on the side with "Born to Lose, Live to Win" shall be its penchant
[Apr 7,2010 12:23am - BSV  ""]
my roommate took one on tour to north carolina back in jan. i think they had a deal with a hitch and trailer that applied especially to bands. he said they were great to work with and totally backs them. abnormality is considering renting from them for a weekend in may.
[Apr 7,2010 8:00am - aaron_michael ""]
wicked expensive, but a smooth ride. I'm surprised he's not responding.
[Apr 7,2010 8:03am - KPANZER  ""]
Paul, tell him the name of the band is RAINBOW OF TOLERANCE, he might call back.
[Apr 7,2010 8:05am - aaron_michael ""]
I think his band may be in europe right now, so I could see cell phones being a bitch to use. Did you guys send an e-mail?
[Apr 7,2010 8:11am - NUB  ""]

ernie said:i was going to buy this so i didnt tell anyone about it. i guess i can pass it on to a worthy people. you owe me.

[Apr 7,2010 9:30am - Paul CNV  ""]
He just answered my email........... All booked up through summer. Fuck, these things apparently have a fucking waiting list... Looks like the 88' Chevy is gonna have to be the one
[Apr 30,2010 2:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BSV said:my roommate took one on tour to north carolina back in jan. i think they had a deal with a hitch and trailer that applied especially to bands. he said they were great to work with and totally backs them. abnormality is considering renting from them for a weekend in may.

can you get me some contact info for this if you are still doing it? we are trying to figure out our options for the same event i believe.
[Apr 30,2010 3:28pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Only Chevy is real.
[Apr 30,2010 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
prob gonna rent a van from Enterprise. cant wait for them to fuck us over. ugh.
[Apr 30,2010 7:15pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Enterprise isn't bad, at least they weren't 5 years ago

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