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Ever been to a riot?

[Apr 7,2010 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
First one was the green day at the hatch shell. that was crazy... I was babysitting some kids there too.

Years later, I was at the frozen four riots in durham. Girls were flashing and dudes were pissing on the streets. Couches were lit on fire.
[Apr 7,2010 10:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya they're a riot
[Apr 7,2010 10:54am - deathchick ""]
woodstock '99. it was bizarre. people were lighting everything on fire (mostly trash) and breaking into atms.
also, i have never seen so many topless girls in my life.
[Apr 7,2010 11:06am - arktouros  ""]
[Apr 7,2010 11:18am - arilliusbm ""]
yes. red sox world series, AL championship, celtics championship, anti nwo rallies
[Apr 7,2010 11:21am - largefreakatzero ""]
Lawnforlosers - can't remember the year, but Great Woods was still Great Woods. Ministry was playing and people started tearing the back fence down and arranging it into several huge bonfires. Then people started ripping up the sod and throwing it. Place got fucked up, but it was kind of awesome to witness.
[Apr 7,2010 11:37am - Sacreligion ""]
Sounds like every show at Oasis. Followed by dumbass fucksticks that don't understand and ask why so few places book hardcore shows anymore.

"Hey, sorry your PA got destroyed and a bunch of kids got in a fight, and then some 16 year old got arrested for drinking in the parking lot while some other asshole was trying to reach over the bar and pour himself a beer. So when can we book another show?"

[Apr 7,2010 11:38am - brian_dc ""]
what is it about looting that makes gals lose their shirts?
[Apr 7,2010 11:38am - Sacreligion ""]

brian_dc said:what is it about looting that makes gals lose their shirts?

Guys looting their shirts?
[Apr 7,2010 3:35pm - OneEyedDog ""]
Halloween 2001, Hollywood Blvd. in L.A. Riot cops marching in formation banging their batons on their shields and copters up above shining giant spotlights. Good times.
[Apr 7,2010 3:39pm - Christ is Homesar  ""]

brian_dc said:what is it about looting that makes gals lose their shirts?

It's the rape(tm)
[Apr 7,2010 3:41pm - Freddy Rampleskins  ""]
[Apr 7,2010 3:42pm - Christ is Homesar  ""]

arktouros said:[img]

[Apr 7,2010 3:51pm - KPANZER  ""]
I was a stage hand at the Green Day riot.More like a spoiled brat mega-tantrum though.
I was a guitar tech for REVEILLE at the Woodstock 99 roit.That was a riot.We were the second to last band to play in the 'Rave Hangar' and as we were packing up I noticed a glow in the sky.It was the fires starting.It was funny for about half an hour, then people were just stampeding and fifteen minutes after that the staff and security said they couldn't garuantee our safety and proceeded to haul ass out of the area on golf carts. We had people trying to flip our van as we were trying to find an escape route. Peace and Love my ass.....
[Apr 7,2010 3:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
woodstock 99 was a shitfest and a half
[Apr 7,2010 3:53pm - oscarct ""]
Rage Against The Machine/Wu Tang/Atari Teenage Riot in Hartford in 96 or 97. People started tearing down the fence that surrounds the lawn and lighting it on fire.
[Apr 7,2010 3:57pm - deathchick ""]

brian_dc said:what is it about looting that makes gals lose their shirts?

haha. no, it was boobs everywhere/hippie fest the whole weekend up until the last night when the riots started.
[Apr 7,2010 4:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
ya know, there's definitely something about OPB, i can't explain it. (other peoples boobs) Even when i've been with nice looking ladies who like me touch their boobs, and even when those boobs are glorious, it's still special to get to look at others. In person that is, it's just NOT the same on videos/mags/interwebs, there's something about seeing how the light falls on them, and how they bounce with a girls walk....

sorry, i bet i just got creepy there. I can't help it, i love hippie fests with lots of boobs.
[Apr 7,2010 4:47pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 7,2010 4:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
it's not really a sexual thing for me. I think the female body is a work of art.
[Apr 7,2010 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 7,2010 5:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]

deathchick said:woodstock '99. it was bizarre. people were lighting everything on fire (mostly trash) and breaking into atms.
also, i have never seen so many topless girls in my life.

Add a quart of bisque, a couple midgets and that's my kinda party.
[Apr 7,2010 5:55pm - bradness so totally at work  ""]
you mean Lollapalooser 1992, i was there too
[Apr 7,2010 5:57pm - Samantha ""]
I still remember the fight between A.C. and Hatebreed at the metalfest a few years ago. I watched the whole thing unfold from the upstairs balcony, and it was awesome.
[Apr 7,2010 6:11pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I was gonna say- the only legit riots I've even been present for were at early Hatebreed shows and select pre-2000 CTHC shows... well... there was that one time in Watts...
[Apr 7,2010 10:47pm - arktouros ""]

[Apr 7,2010 10:48pm - arktouros ""]

ouchdrummer said:I think the female body is a work of art.

[Apr 7,2010 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]

Samantha said:I still remember the fight between A.C. and Hatebreed at the metalfest a few years ago. I watched the whole thing unfold from the upstairs balcony, and it was awesome.
as ive said a couple times, i was standing right beside seth and who ever else when jamey said "a call for blood on their heads" and pointed right at me so i walked out of the room before the pit got back to me.
[Apr 7,2010 11:49pm - demondave ""]

the_reverend said:
Samantha said:I still remember the fight between A.C. and Hatebreed at the metalfest a few years ago. I watched the whole thing unfold from the upstairs balcony, and it was awesome.
as ive said a couple times, i was standing right beside seth and who ever else when jamey said "a call for blood on their heads" and pointed right at me so i walked out of the room before the pit got back to me.

That was the best AC show ever.

Wait, Seth standing outside the Six Feet Under tour buss shouting that Chris was a Pussy. THAT was the best AC show ever.

I think that was when I first met you Rev.

[Apr 8,2010 12:07am - Paul CNV  ""]
I saw 30 to 40 puerto ricans kicking the shit out of each other on Hampton beach... Broken bottles and stabbings... Not really a riot though
[Apr 8,2010 2:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Middle East Peace Summit at Ups N' Downs in Quinchester.
[Apr 8,2010 3:22am - Sacreligion ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:[img]
[Apr 8,2010 11:12am - Paul CNV  ""]
Hahaha... Best episode ever
[Apr 8,2010 3:44pm - oscarct ""]
Biohazard/Turmoil in 97/98 @ toads. One of the biohazard dudes jumped in the audience and just satrted beating the shit out of someone..the dividing net they had at the time was torn down.ruckus I tell ya
[Apr 8,2010 3:47pm - |an ""]
does the trouble's last show with patriot count? i guess that wasn't really a riot, but there was plenty of 'acab' all around on the streets after the fight inside

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