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how is the hanover theatre in worcester, ma?

[Apr 7,2010 3:26pm - cav nli  ""]
has anyone seen a show at this place? how is it? how is the balcony? chances are ill be in the cheap seats May 21 for Neil Young acoustic set!
[Apr 7,2010 3:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ive only been inside it when it was a movie theater... i'm assuming its a restored version of it
[Apr 7,2010 4:02pm - LPCustom  ""]
I'm also going for the cheap seats. Should be fucking awesome!
[Apr 7,2010 5:48pm - Samantha ""]
I went there a couple of months ago. It's like a fancy old theater. It's a nice place.
[Apr 7,2010 6:34pm - Kevord ""]
I saw Foreigner there last month. It's pretty cool. Get balcony seats. I don't think floor is worth it since there are seats and the place is small enough that the balcony is not far from the stage.
[Apr 7,2010 10:11pm - cav nli  ""]
good to hear its a really small place. balcony seats are really all thats affordable (barely) for this show. but it will be worth it. hopefully it doesnt sell out too quick.
[Apr 8,2010 10:30am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
have that Old Man song stuck in my head.
[Apr 9,2010 10:42am - LPCustom  ""]
You get tickets to this dude!? That site fucking sucks ass to get tickets from! Didn't think I was getting into this one at all - literally probably the closest I've come to getting shut out of a show like this!
[Apr 9,2010 4:11pm - cav nli  ""]
so i forgot to go on at 10. realized it at lunch and wanted to kill a baby. went on after lunch and couldnt find 2 seats near each other for less than $250 each! I ended up getting two tickets for the CT date in Wallingofrd for $225 for the pair. The seats are toward the side but on the floor/not in the balcony. and the face value was like $90 or so each ticket plus fees. Id rather drive another hour each way extra and save $300. Shit is ridiculous.
[Apr 9,2010 4:13pm - cav nli  ""]
and yes, the hanover theatre website is by far the worst website to ever buy tickets from. i like that you can select where you want to sit though, rather than just getting a randomly selected seat. maybe i would have a different opinion if every seat in the house wasnt sold out that was less than $250! haha
[Apr 10,2010 12:37am - LPCustom  ""]
I totally agree that picking your seat is sick, but just not at this type of thing I guess. I almost missed out on tickets when I went on in time because it took forever for the maps to load, and than when you tried to "lock" the tickets they'd already be gone and it would update as like nothing left! Never seen anything like it. Aggravating as hell this morning! Keep me updated on how the CT show is though - I'm so excited for this!
[Apr 10,2010 10:19am - cav nli  ""]
wow that sucks, then i guess im glad i didnt waste my time at work trying to get tickets to that show. yea, ill definitely update this after the show and let you know how it was. see if he switches up the set at all. i cant wait!
[May 22,2010 1:34am - LPCustom  ""]
cav, I hope you see this. The show was fucking amazing (Young and Jansch as well) - and to put it way over the top and make my life - me and my buddy got to meet Neil out back after the show and he signed my ticket too! Absolutely unreal fucking night dude!
We literally kept driving around to find free parking before the show and ended up in the back of the Hanover and when we were going to leave there were about 30 people waiting outside his bus/the stage door - and after the crowd thinned out a little he came out - unreal. Hope you enjoy your show too dude!
[May 22,2010 8:57am - cav nli  ""]
thats awesome dude. you got to meet one of the last real kings/icons of rock and roll thats left! i cant wait for tomorrow!! we ended up getting really decent seats for the show in CT and i just got some amazing homegrowns so its all good. haha. i would ask a bunch of questions but i think id rather be surprised. plus i know he changes it up sometimes. ill update this monday and we will have to see if he played mostly the same stuff or not. i havent been this psyched for a show in a LONG time!
[May 22,2010 11:56am - LPCustom  ""]
Haha - sounds good dude. And you should definitely dig this for sure. Quite a treat.
[May 24,2010 3:40pm - cav nli  ""]
dude! what a show! i was so psysched to hear down by the river and cortez! after the goldrush and tell me why were also big highlights for me. i LOVED the new songs. and for the record you're not a real guitar player until you get up in front of a room and play electric only with no band. that is bad ass!
[May 24,2010 3:52pm - arktouros ""]
My cuz said Young lived up to his icon status that night. I would have loved to see him jam Cortez.
[May 24,2010 5:45pm - LPCustom  ""]
One of the new songs he played ("back pain" - "saw you at the hockey game" or whatever since my memory is a little fuzzy, haha) was seriously fucking incredible live. The other ones were quite great as well though. Everything you pointed out is dead on too. Really felt and still feel as though this was a truly once in a lifetime opportunity (especially meeting him, haha)!
[May 24,2010 6:58pm - cav nli  ""]
that song was sweet. i wanted to yell fuck the bruins or something during the hockey lyric but i didnt want to be that guy. although that guy was pretty much the whole crowd at the CT show. people were so drunk and obnoxious. from what i hear the worcester show was much better. did you hear he didnt even play a second encore song in CT? it was kind of weird at the end. he did cortez and cinnamon girl. came back out and did walk with me? i think it was and went back. we all waited like 5 solid minutes then the lights went up. it was kind of anti climactic. but then again its neil he doesnt care what people think. anyways, about the new stuff...the tone that he got with the acoustic with the pickup was amazing with that slight effect he had going on. im psyched to hear whatever album that stuff comes out on. i feel like a lot of people on this board would like that stuff. it very dark and eerie. overall though, the fact that i went into it expecting an acoustic gig with him playing needle, old man, sugar mountain, long may you run, and all that stuff and getting a set with him playing all different styles, playing all different types of songs was definitely the treat for me it being my first time seeing him. i cant wait for his next time around, whatever version it may be, ill be there. if there is one thing i learned from that show is to never "expect" anything from neil. he just does whatever he wants. its so awesome!
[May 24,2010 7:14pm - LPCustom  ""]
I did hear that the crowd kinda sucked compared to Worcester, kinda weird. Worcester was really tame though. We got "Heart Of Gold" for our second encore too which was also pretty great (and unexpected to a degree - I saw it as an "extra song" on his previous setlists but didn't think it would happen). And I'm also in the bandwagon of basically definitely going back next time he comes with whoever, whenever.

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