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[LEAKED] Periphery - "Periphery"

[Apr 10,2010 4:07am - Spaldino  ""]


It's got some interesting shit. a great listen so far. it reminds me of a more interesting Synthetic Breed.
[Apr 10,2010 1:13pm - sever ""]
this is kind of dissapointing. seems like they shit themselves over animals as leaders and tried to outdo tosin, but it doesn't work anywhere near as well. too much noodle and not enough flow imo.
[Apr 11,2010 1:17am - WarriorOfMetal ""]

sever said:this is kind of dissapointing. seems like they shit themselves over animals as leaders and tried to outdo tosin, but it doesn't work anywhere near as well. too much noodle and not enough flow imo.

Periphery predates Animals as Leaders, and Misha (the main writer in Periphery) produced/engineered the Animals as Leaders album.
[Apr 11,2010 1:36am - i_am_not_me ""]
I'm more weirded out that they're actually releasing an album. I'm so used to Bulb just uploading shit to his Soundclick and his Myspace.
[Apr 11,2010 1:13pm - sever ""]

WarriorOfMetal said:
sever said:this is kind of dissapointing. seems like they shit themselves over animals as leaders and tried to outdo tosin, but it doesn't work anywhere near as well. too much noodle and not enough flow imo.

Periphery predates Animals as Leaders, and Misha (the main writer in Periphery) produced/engineered the Animals as Leaders album.

I know this. What I'm saying is that it seems that Misha saw the response that Animals as Leaders got and produced the Periphery album with that in mind. A lot of the songs have changed in ways that I personally don't like. Like I said, too much noodle.
[Apr 11,2010 6:31pm - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]
What the fuck happened to Tesseract?
[Apr 11,2010 8:13pm - bornofosichris ""]
Love the music, vocals kinda weaken the whole thing for me. They're growing on me a little bit, but I think this band would be better as an instrumental group.

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