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isohunt.com is no more :(

[Apr 10,2010 11:01am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Looks like the MAN made them do it.
[Apr 10,2010 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]
About time. You people need to stop downloading stuff illegally.
[Apr 10,2010 11:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lol @ theft of 1s and 0s
[Apr 10,2010 11:08am - arilliusbm ""]
Illegal. Go to jail, assholes.
[Apr 10,2010 11:09am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

arilliusbm said:About time. You people need to stop downloading stuff illegally.

Yet you wonder why we can afford PS3s and good computers while you play games from 1995 on your PC and still pay for your DVDs.

[Apr 10,2010 11:13am - arilliusbm ""]
I can afford them, I just feel there is no need to.
[Apr 10,2010 11:17am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Apr 10,2010 11:17am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

arilliusbm said:I can afford them, I just feel there is no need to.

I'm sure you're smart enough to see my point through your obvious justification. I mean, you've posted in the "I'm broke and can't afford a newer computer because I have a kid" threads enough times I shouldn't HAVE to call bullshit here.

Point being, I can't afford these things. I have them because I'm not paying 10,000 dollars a year on albums, movies, and cable television.

Perfectly aware it's legal. So is smoking dope. Get off your horse quick, before you fall and it shits on you.
[Apr 10,2010 11:18am - arilliusbm ""]
Arrowhead needs a sarcasm meter bigtime.
[Apr 10,2010 11:18am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]
meant to say "illegal", can't edit
[Apr 10,2010 11:19am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

arilliusbm said:Arrowhead needs a sarcasm meter bigtime.


*deflection meter*
[Apr 10,2010 11:20am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]
P.S. - just busting your balls. You should drag your ass down here sometime to smoke dope and diddle guitars. Bring your own, mine are all lefties.
[Apr 10,2010 11:21am - Alx_Casket ""]

[Apr 10,2010 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
I have a decent job, love most new video games, but always prefer older titles. There are select old titles I play annually.
I should be getting a new computer real soon, but I'm not rushing it because it works perfectly for recording, Carmageddon, Starcraft, and Halflife at the moment.
I do download stuff all the time; I have two harddrives full of stuff. But I tend to buy things for the sake of having them, especially albums.
Buying a 45 DVD lot on eBay for 30 bucks > downloading movies though.
You live in Hanson or something, right?
[Apr 10,2010 11:35am - sxealex ""]
i wish i could download a car
[Apr 10,2010 11:38am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

arilliusbm said:I have a decent job, love most new video games, but always prefer older titles. There are select old titles I play annually.
I should be getting a new computer real soon, but I'm not rushing it because it works perfectly for recording, Carmageddon, Starcraft, and Halflife at the moment.
I do download stuff all the time; I have two harddrives full of stuff. But I tend to buy things for the sake of having them, especially albums.
Buying a 45 DVD lot on eBay for 30 bucks > downloading movies though.
You live in Hanson or something, right?

I buy a lot of stuff, but mostly hardware/merch/etc... I must admit, I've never looked for DVD's on ebay, although I do buy a SHITLOAD of concert and music DVDs used off amazon. Awesome like new DVDs for $3 and shit.

I live in Plymouth, halfway between the pilgrims and the gonk.
[Apr 10,2010 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
No shit. I live right off of 44, near carver somewhat. Mamma Mias ftw?
[Apr 10,2010 11:58am - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

arilliusbm said:No shit. I live right off of 44, near carver somewhat. Mamma Mias ftw?

Well, sorta. I've been a longtime customer and love their pasta/potatoes/sausages/soup, etc...., but their pizza is MEH at best. Also, I manage their competition, so I can't really give em FTW status.

Now a greasy sausage and pepperoni from Georgios will kick mama mias all over the map.
[Apr 10,2010 12:18pm - beleth ""]
Shitty news. Saw it coming though.
[Apr 10,2010 12:19pm - pam ""]
When I lose demonoid, I will be very sad.
[Apr 10,2010 12:21pm - rotivore ""]
maybe it will relaunch as www.assholecunt.com
[Apr 10,2010 12:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
I take it that's where you work? Never been. I'll check it out.
[Apr 10,2010 12:34pm - beleth ""]

pam said:When I lose demonoid, I will be very sad.

That site's the best thing that ever happened to me. Ever.
[Apr 10,2010 1:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Lol @ theft of 1s and 0s

That's like someone giving you shit for stealing a car and you say "big deal it's just a bunch of atoms".

PS: I still like to steal 1's and 0's.
[Apr 10,2010 1:47pm - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]
why no love for pirate bay?
[Apr 10,2010 2:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Lol @ theft of 1s and 0s

That's like someone giving you shit for stealing a car and you say "big deal it's just a bunch of atoms".

PS: I still like to steal 1's and 0's.

Oh, I'm fully aware of the convenient rationalization contained in that statement, I'm just too busy trying to steal Photoshooper CS4 to come up with a better one. LOL
[Apr 10,2010 5:04pm - pam ""]
I'm waiting for CS5 to hit demonoid.
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