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School makes boys dress like women for Women's history month

[Apr 13,2010 12:34pm - Conservationist ""]

This is the end result of liberalism: in a mad rush for equality, we destroy anything that is not the average.
[Apr 13,2010 12:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
You mean women aren't equal to men?!
Shit, I had no idea.
[Apr 13,2010 12:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That's fucking retarded.
[Apr 13,2010 12:40pm - horror_tang ""]
Watch in few years they will become transformers.
[Apr 13,2010 12:43pm - metal_church101 ""]

arilliusbm said:You mean women aren't equal to men?!
Shit, I had no idea.

[Apr 13,2010 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
where have all the Lee Marvin's, Charles Bronson's, and Steve McQueen's gone?
[Apr 13,2010 1:39pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Yeah, next thing you know they will want white kids to answer massa to blacks and wear chains during black history month.

I hate this crazy communist-esque fairness doctrine.

WHITE MEN ruled the world once, get over it, stop being butt hurt. Most of us are normal non-racist, non-misogynists now.
[Apr 13,2010 1:49pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
"How is dressing like a woman from any era going to teach him about history? Why not let him do a report, poster, or other project on this subject? If he was attending a vocational school in the field of textiles, women's fashion, etc, then it would make sense. My son is adamantly opposed, and I don't see how forcing my 9-year-old to cross-dress in front of the entire school body is going to teach him anything about Women's History. "

also, 9 year olds? Do they really need to brain-wash children that young? I could understand high school kids doing it, not by force, because they would understand....but fucking 9 year olds? Those kids will end up thinking it is cool to dress like women.

also, I find it funny that the glbt group glesn is sponsoring this. I'm sure if the NRA sponsored an event at a school about kids bringing toy guns to school and pretending to be soldiers from different history periods they'd have every liberal screaming bloody murder.
[Apr 13,2010 1:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I dunno, sounds kind of sexy.
[Apr 13,2010 1:54pm - largefreakatzero ""]
In all reality though, the principal should be stabbed repeatedly in the cunt.
[Apr 13,2010 1:56pm - metal_church101 ""]

largefreakatzero said:In all reality though, the principal should be stabbed repeatedly in the cunt.

While getting fisted in the ass
[Apr 13,2010 3:22pm - Conservationist ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:Most of us are normal non-racist, non-misogynists now.

Most of us have always been this way; however, we may believe in social roles and nationalism as the only way to have a stable society.

[Apr 13,2010 6:51pm - Lamp ""]
I don't suppose someone can fill me in on what this article meant by "the homosexual agenda"...
[Apr 13,2010 6:56pm - thuringwethil ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:....but fucking 9 year olds? Those kids will end up thinking it is cool to dress like women.

it isn't? :satancross:
[Apr 13,2010 7:03pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

Lamp said:I don't suppose someone can fill me in on what this article meant by "the homosexual agenda"...

you mean you don't know what the queers are doing to our soil?????????:thescream:
[Apr 13,2010 7:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]

thuringwethil said:
TheRidersofDoom said:....but fucking 9 year olds? Those kids will end up thinking it is cool to dress like women.

it isn't? :satancross:

Cool or not, what I do on the weekends is my goddamn business.
[Apr 13,2010 7:29pm - Lamp ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:
Lamp said:I don't suppose someone can fill me in on what this article meant by "the homosexual agenda"...

you mean you don't know what the queers are doing to our soil?????????:thescream:

Word has it they stopped building landing strips for gay Martians a long time ago. What is this new agenda?
[Apr 13,2010 8:52pm - Dankill  ""]
"According to one parent on FaceBook, the district has been indulging a politically correct agenda for quite a while. In order to excise Christian references in the school, they've renamed St. Patrick's day to "Leprechaun Day," renamed Christmas to the "Winter Holiday," and renamed Good Friday to "Spring Day." "

They started this crap when I was in Jr High. If all's fair, they should eliminate all religious holiday names. Yom Kippur = Sorry, My Bad day? Eid =Yay, We Can Eat day?
[Apr 13,2010 9:13pm - Lamp ""]
While we're at it, why not just make it illegal to teach history in school?

People who refuse to learn how they got to where they are today or refuse to let their children learn that knowledge should be shot.
[Apr 13,2010 9:20pm - blessed offal  ""]

Yeti said:where have all the Lee Marvin's, Charles Bronson's, and Steve McQueen's gone?

dont forget Gregory Peck. Oh, and Ike Turner.

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