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Cassettes? Who's using them and what kind?

[Apr 14,2010 12:33pm - The_Rooster ""]
Any bands here releasing demos, etc. on cassettes anymore?

I want to do a limited run of the Maggot Brain Demo on cassette (in addition to CD-R), and am wondering if anyone has a recommendation as to: type of Cassette, where to order from, packaging, etc....

And, yes, I know tapes are dead, etc., but I don't know any punk/hardcore/metal dudes that have expensive cars with CD players in them, so fuck you! I wanna make tapes! because (A) I still like tapes, and (B) I still like tapes.


[Apr 14,2010 12:34pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I read that as cigarettes... weird
[Apr 14,2010 12:34pm - reimroc ""]
I would but tapes make my backing vocals sound like someones stepping on my nuts.
[Apr 14,2010 12:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
yes, people around here are still releasing cassettes. They ain't dead yet!
[Apr 14,2010 12:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm using 5000 of them to load Photoshop CS4 on my Commodore VIC-20.
[Apr 14,2010 12:38pm - RustyPS ""]
Nick, where you at?
[Apr 14,2010 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
I'm using the ones with NKOTB "The Right Stuff" on them to drown out all my failures and inadequacies in life.

[Apr 14,2010 12:46pm - blue ""]
Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?
[Apr 14,2010 12:48pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm not inclined to do the cassette thing. But if I were, I'd offer a digital download along with the cassette instead of doing the CDR thing in addition.
[Apr 14,2010 1:00pm - RichHorror ""]

blue said:Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?

stfu and tell me which of your bands is playing 7/30.
[Apr 14,2010 1:01pm - The_Rooster ""]

blue said:Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?

Well, it'd all be free, or like a $1 or something (for people who want them). Bulk cassettes are like $20/100. I'm certainly not going to justify spending money on packaged CDs for a demo. Not like anyone gives a flying fuck about CDs either, these days. Will just end up on the computer and iPods. And we don't have an audience. No one has heard us, besides us.

Just thinking of some fun ways to package it, with cool artwork and such. Nothing more.


[Apr 14,2010 1:03pm - RichHorror ""]
One of the many HYEO whatever bands put out a cassette release. ITS' demo is on cassette. Hammer & The Nails have a cassette release. I believe Rampant Decay's split with Bad Dayz from NJ will be on cassette. Cassettes are the new cool thing, starting to eclipse 7".
[Apr 14,2010 1:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Release on thumbdrives.
[Apr 14,2010 1:09pm - RichHorror ""]
Mike, come to the IWEIPH space sometime so I can film you going to the bathroom as I already have with Jeff and Matt.
[Apr 14,2010 1:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Where is it? I'm down. I need to show off my junk.
[Apr 14,2010 1:11pm - RichHorror ""]
If Composted does indeed practice in the same building as Boarcorpse, then you practice in the same building as It Will End In Pure Horror.
[Apr 14,2010 2:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Whaaaaaat? Since when? What room?
[Apr 14,2010 2:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Classy Billy Connolly has a cassette-label and is releasing the Ipsissimus demo right and proper. And his printer is King Kvlt
[Apr 14,2010 2:37pm - RichHorror ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Whaaaaaat? Since when? What room?

Lucky 13, if memory serves.
[Apr 14,2010 2:43pm - sxealex ""]

RustyPS said:Nick, where you at?

was gonna say in b4 nick
[Apr 14,2010 2:58pm - blue ""]

The_Rooster said:
blue said:Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?

Well, it'd all be free, or like a $1 or something (for people who want them). Bulk cassettes are like $20/100. I'm certainly not going to justify spending money on packaged CDs for a demo. Not like anyone gives a flying fuck about CDs either, these days. Will just end up on the computer and iPods. And we don't have an audience. No one has heard us, besides us.

Just thinking of some fun ways to package it, with cool artwork and such. Nothing more.



My bad, you gave me the impression that you were going to PRESS cassettes, not copy the demo to cassette.
[Apr 14,2010 3:09pm - The_Rooster ""]

blue said:
The_Rooster said:
blue said:Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?

Well, it'd all be free, or like a $1 or something (for people who want them). Bulk cassettes are like $20/100. I'm certainly not going to justify spending money on packaged CDs for a demo. Not like anyone gives a flying fuck about CDs either, these days. Will just end up on the computer and iPods. And we don't have an audience. No one has heard us, besides us.

Just thinking of some fun ways to package it, with cool artwork and such. Nothing more.



My bad, you gave me the impression that you were going to PRESS cassettes, not copy the demo to cassette.

No worries. I got a bit over defensive about it. Apologies.

I was thinking of just doing a small amount, like 50-100, with something cool in the way of artwork on the cassette itself, as well as the insert. Planned on giving away the CD, and if someone was into having the cassette as well, then I'd just give them that too, or maybe charge a couple bucks to cover materials.

All totally DIY. The demo is coming out raw as fuck, so I want the media to reflect that.
[Apr 14,2010 3:09pm - RichHorror ""]

RichHorror said:
blue said:Wait, you'll spend money to release the demo on cassette, reaching maybe 10% of your audience but you'll only do a CDR for the people with CD players?

stfu and tell me which of your bands is playing 7/30.

[Apr 14,2010 3:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Leatherbound Nightbitch demo cassette only available at the first show?

... More likely than you think.
[Apr 14,2010 3:23pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
You can buy huge bulk boxes of black tapes in almost any color on eBay super cheap. Then just go to Kinkos and make ghetto tape lables and stick them on. They come in clear (the sticker paper) so you can print the logo or whatever in like red and it'll show up if you get white tapes or whatever. Or black in on clear sticker paper shows up nice on almost any color tapes you buy. DIY!

[Apr 14,2010 3:24pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Black = BLANK up above. Although you can get Blank Black tapes...now your mind is blown all because of my typo.
[Apr 14,2010 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only horn of valere cdrs are real
[Apr 14,2010 3:29pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Only No Gods Records is Real. I released all my shit on cassettes....black with black jewel cases. Uber grim, cult and moderatley frost bitten.
[Apr 14,2010 3:36pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I can't believe no one has mentioned CSDO - they are the masters of cassette releases.
[Apr 14,2010 3:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bring back No God Records. I've got some sort of HoV cdr you gave me in 04ish... eBay value should be topping out at 500 bucks now!
[Apr 14,2010 3:41pm - mutis  ""]
I go to rummage sales and buy the worst tapes I can find for pennies. Then I tape over them and give them away to fuck with people.

I hate CDs. Nåthruzym will probably have a cassette release this fall. It just takes a lot longer when you DIY.

Last tape I bought was Kaiser Wave.
[Apr 14,2010 4:06pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Jim, is it black and like printed on in white ink with that terrible logo I was using at the time?
[Apr 14,2010 4:07pm - blessed offal  ""]
cassettes are great, and id use them all the time, but im pretty sure 90% of people nowadays probably never listen to it unless its on cd, or unless its something they can download on their ipod. this isnt a shot at anyone or anything, im just saying, i miss the simplicity of tapes.
[Apr 14,2010 4:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
I think it may be; it's in a box with most of my other CDs at the moment. I'll have to check it out.
[Apr 14,2010 4:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wondering if anyone still has the old abaroth cdr demo we were handing out at one point. Probably not
[Apr 14,2010 4:36pm - Lamp ""]
For whatever reason, punk labels constantly release tapes, probably because they're cheaper than vinyl. Every grind band with a DIY aspect to their music these days is releasing tons and tons of tapes, often split releases. Get friendly with one of those guys to show you where the tapes are at.
[Apr 14,2010 4:37pm - ancient master  ""]
[Apr 14,2010 4:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Apr 14,2010 4:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Apr 14,2010 4:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
both of those links are ill matic
[Apr 14,2010 4:59pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
tapes rule and are cheap as shit. CD-R's are for wimps.

National Audio Co. is what you're looking for... google that shit.
[Apr 14,2010 5:52pm - bradness so totally at work  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Release on thumbdrives.

blow a load on a thumbdrive or you're a POSSE
[Apr 14,2010 6:23pm - ancient master  ""]

ancient%20master said:nactapes.com

[Apr 14,2010 8:02pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Who not gonna read this whole thing but those people that said NAC get complete WIN.

Check em out, backed hard.
[Apr 14,2010 9:31pm - Samantha ""]
The last time I owned a cassette player was probably 15 years ago.

I want to see some rare black metal releases on 8 track.
[Apr 14,2010 9:55pm - wesogreNLI  ""]

when i have spare time...diy cassettes is what i do

[Apr 14,2010 11:06pm - DJ DEATH  ""]
I run North Cabin Enterprises,.. Cassette tape only label. If you want tapes which are ideal for music, get Type II High bias off of TAPE.COM, or go through M2Com.Com...250 proprinted tapes (no layout) for like 180$....pretty awesome. Or, just go to tape.com and by 100$ worth of tapes with cases for 50$ and dub em yourself... Fuck CD-rs.. tapes rule (Nod to the new Darkwor Cd though...That actually looks killer, and sound nice too)
[Apr 14,2010 11:22pm - DJ DEATH  ""]
Type I, sorry.
[Apr 15,2010 12:31am - CrabRagooon  ""]
markertek.com is what I use. The two bands i'm in released demos on tape. I think it's more accesible for a demo and way cheaper. Im a sucker for packaging too, so all our art is hand drawn which looks nice in a cool little tape package. I buy just about every demo at shows on tapes as well.

The response isn't great though, probably just because no one ever sees us due to showing up to shows on time isnt cool or punk. "sorry dude I was getting drunk before the show instead of seeing the first three bands." suck.

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