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Herugrim news

[Apr 17,2010 12:21am - ArilliusBM ""]
We finally have a logo and are recording for a 3-4 song EP that shall be out sometime later this year.


Newer clips on the myspace... http://www.myspace.com/herugrimclan
We will have a rough track on the black metal compilation that is coming out later this summer.

Once we have the EP out, I'm sure we'll be looking for live members just in case anyone is looking.

Stay tuned for the EP release! :doublehorns:
[Apr 17,2010 6:59am - Slag ""]
"facebook thumbs up"
[Apr 17,2010 9:13am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
holy crap
[Apr 17,2010 9:41am - arilliusbm ""]
finally going to have something done after three years.
seems like yesterday when we'd meet in your basement, jamming on acoustics and eating 10 year old granola bars
[Apr 17,2010 9:43am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Kegerator FTW
[Apr 17,2010 9:45am - arilliusbm ""]
useless third acoustic guitar player that got mad ftw
[Apr 17,2010 9:46am - RichHorror ""]
Can't wait for this.
[Apr 17,2010 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 17,2010 10:11am - goatcatalyst ""]
ITT: Jim's rituals have a three year turnaround.
[Apr 17,2010 10:15am - arktouros ""]
Excellence. Thinking of offering my live drums.
[Apr 17,2010 10:23am - ArilliusBM ""]
talking to Kris Verwimp about doing the EP artwork. I would have a boner if he is willing to do it; definitely my favorite metal cover art artist. He's done Old Man's Child, Manegarm, and Absu's Tara artwork, among many others.
[Apr 17,2010 11:13am - sigh  ""]

arilliusbm said:useless third acoustic guitar player that got mad ftw

"Got any riffs that sound like Moonsorrow?"
[Apr 17,2010 12:47pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Epic logo is epic. I'll try to remember to listen later, but can't guarantee anything (already stopped by the bar).
[Apr 17,2010 1:36pm - MikeOv  ""]
Good work, Jim.
[Apr 17,2010 3:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Thanks man
[Apr 17,2010 3:58pm - DreadKill ""]
Nice logo, Jim! Do a ritual about Kris verwimp and he will present you with awesome artwork.
[Apr 18,2010 11:24am - sigh  ""]
If anyone is looking for a logo I can recommend http://www.luciferiumwargraphics.com/

Decent prices and quick turn around time.
[Apr 18,2010 8:44pm - blessed offal  ""]
play with blessed offal or GTFO
[Jul 22,2010 3:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
Song is nearing completion finally.
Also recording an acoustic song which shall hopefully be uploaded soon. Looking for guest guitar/bass/drums/anything on the EP recording later this year.
[Jul 22,2010 4:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i could contribute bass or guitar probably
[Jul 23,2010 2:54am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
If only I knew anybody that played bass. OH, WAIT-
[Jul 23,2010 8:10am - arilliusbm ""]
You're welcome to do bass on some stuff obviously. If not a recording, then when we're live again.
[Jul 23,2010 8:43am - Slag NLI  ""]
Jim, my services are available. I know you do all the electronic stuff yourself, but if you need a consult on recording or production shit or need to borrow some mics, let me know.
[Jul 23,2010 8:45am - arilliusbm ""]
Your 1337 h4x1ng 5k1ll5 will be put to use!
[Jul 23,2010 11:16am - DreadKill ""]
i want to hear this stuff
[Jul 23,2010 11:21am - arilliusbm ""]
haha i think the only people that have heard a rough draft were dya and arktouros
[Jul 23,2010 11:24am - arktouros ""]
[Jul 23,2010 11:31am - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Jul 23,2010 12:39pm - Yeti ""]
i think this is more anticipated than The Body Farm.
[Jul 23,2010 12:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
Kris verwimp is having issues with his family life- not sure if he'll have time to do artwork for this ep but he did say he was heavily interested in working with us in the future.
[Jul 23,2010 2:08pm - Slag ""]
Incestuous, we are.
[Jul 23,2010 4:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hey slag, if I was to send you each instrument/ layer, would you mind mastering? I've got to talk to mike (other guy in band) about it but we're going to definitely utilize your 1337 skills somehow. I will be recording a few things this weekend so it should be done soon.
[Jul 23,2010 4:24pm - Slag ""]
Well.... you mean mixing I think. I would take all the instrument/layers and make them all work together, cut out unwanted frequencies add reverb etc etc etc.

Mastering is when you send the final 2-channel stereo mix and you fine-tune and do whatever is needed to make the mix even better.

But i'm down for either or both.
[Jul 23,2010 4:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Well, I meant half and half. I'm going to keep a few layers already pre mixed before they're sent. Obviously yes to mastering, but I think there's a few things we'd have already mixed before shipped to your shop.
[Jul 23,2010 4:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
At one point in the song I believe there's 10+ layers so I have to figure something out.
[Jul 23,2010 4:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
... If any of that makes sense. haha, I may have to explain in person. Hit me up on my phone or steam or whatever.
[Jul 24,2010 2:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Only pagan metal record mastered over TF2 chat.
[Jul 24,2010 8:51am - arilliusbm ""]
TF2? Nope.
[May 17,2011 8:49am - arilliusbm ""]
so it's been a year and a major delay with this band actually releasing something. My apologies..
I can assure you it is not dead and along with Abaroth, I will try to refocus on this project. I'm going to contact Mike, the other guitar player about getting this back in gear soon. Hopefully we will play shows again, soon.
[Aug 23,2011 12:12pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 24,2011 12:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
only because you said so, anon.
[Aug 24,2011 12:46am - nekronaut ""]
...Jim, finally have an answer, talk to you Thursday?
[Aug 24,2011 2:51pm - GeminiII ""]
Awesome new jim, going to check this out right now. And if you do get mr. verwimp does decide to do the artwork, even better. I remember the first time a met you you had a Managarm shirt on!
[Aug 24,2011 2:51pm - GeminiII ""]
[Aug 24,2011 2:53pm - GeminiII ""]
Pretty epic stuff. Id love to record this in my studio!
[Dec 12,2011 2:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bump. Should be able to play shows by March/April at the rate we're going.

different setlist than when we played out a few years back. If anyone has potentional shows past April 1st, hook some trolls up.
[Dec 12,2011 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
nice. what year?
[Dec 12,2011 3:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
2049 the year of the Rush
[Dec 12,2011 3:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 12,2011 3:36pm - ark  ""]
at the rate of ~worcester bands releasing any material whatsoever, 2112
[Dec 12,2011 3:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only hoarding material out of spite is real.
[Dec 12,2011 3:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
I havnt played a show since November 2008. My last show was with GravesideService and 3 people in the crowd. Halp
[Dec 12,2011 3:49pm - josh_hates_you ""]
tom, book us on 4/20 or 4/21 fest
[Dec 12,2011 3:50pm - arktourO‘s  ""]
make a deadline and you'll get it done. if you book them, they will come.
[Dec 12,2011 3:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 12,2011 5:42pm - CurlyRed ""]
Never heard your music,but I do like the band name.

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