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New Hard No. 9 Recordings

[Apr 18,2010 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Here's the three songs we recorded out in Cleveland. Produced/Engineered by Brian Patrick @ Jungle Studios. Really like how they came out.

[Apr 18,2010 2:49pm - Heff.t. johnsun  ""]
[Apr 18,2010 2:54pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 20,2010 1:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bump for interested parties
[Apr 20,2010 1:23pm - boblovesmusic ""]
16 plays on my last.fm!
[Apr 20,2010 1:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 20,2010 2:20pm - josh_hates_you ""]
is it just me or does the production sound like a black crows record?

i forget what the original recordings sounded like. you should post them as an a/b for people to check out.

wouldn't it be hilarious if posting these to your myspace negated any possible contracts.
[Apr 20,2010 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
crack bros?
[Apr 20,2010 2:29pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Rev, you should play this on your radio show! Not exactly metal, but still awesome!
[Apr 20,2010 2:30pm - ark  ""]
You were saying you guys sounded like Black Crowes, and turns out you're right, good work Tom. The bass sounds great.
[Apr 20,2010 2:31pm - ark  ""]
cool story crack, bro
[Apr 20,2010 2:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

josh_hates_you said:

wouldn't it be hilarious if posting these to your myspace negated any possible contracts.

lol actually our management company wants us to spread the tunes in everyway possible to get a good buzz going and ultimately increase our draw. we are gonna try to hand out at least a thousand copies of the demo over the next couple months and whore the shit out of it. so no that will not negate any possible contracts but rather increase the opportunity for one to exist.
[Apr 20,2010 2:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ark said:You were saying you guys sounded like Black Crowes, and turns out you're right, good work Tom. The bass sounds great.

thanks man. this was tim's first introduction to working with a bass tube amp. really makes the difference i think.
[Apr 20,2010 2:44pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
josh_hates_you said:

wouldn't it be hilarious if posting these to your myspace negated any possible contracts.

lol actually our management company wants us to spread the tunes in everyway possible to get a good buzz going and ultimately increase our draw. we are gonna try to hand out at least a thousand copies of the demo over the next couple months and whore the shit out of it. so no that will not negate any possible contracts but rather increase the opportunity for one to exist.

this is the reason we give out cds for free.
[Apr 20,2010 2:55pm - boblovesmusic ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
josh_hates_you said:

wouldn't it be hilarious if posting these to your myspace negated any possible contracts.

lol actually our management company wants us to spread the tunes in everyway possible to get a good buzz going and ultimately increase our draw. we are gonna try to hand out at least a thousand copies of the demo over the next couple months and whore the shit out of it. so no that will not negate any possible contracts but rather increase the opportunity for one to exist.

bring a bunch to the show this weekend and I'll plaster Boston with them! (or at least Brookline hehe)
[Apr 20,2010 2:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck ya!
[Apr 20,2010 3:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

boblovesmusic said:Rev, you should play this on your radio show! Not exactly metal, but still awesome!

lol i dont think the tunes would jive with this program maybe rev knows how i can get in touch with someone who runs a more rock formatted station?

[Apr 20,2010 3:09pm - uh yea  ""]
here is your calling to quit metal and discover yourself.
[Apr 20,2010 3:10pm - ark  ""]
LOL at quitting a genre.
[Apr 20,2010 3:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pffft. metal is the reason i've discovered so much about life. why stop now?
[May 17,2010 4:05pm - timma ""]
Finally got around to listening to the CD you gave me over a month ago.

Diggin' it fo shizzle. Really like The Black Crowes, so this is right in my wheelhouse. Nicely done, sir(s).
[May 17,2010 4:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thanks dood!

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