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Why do all metal chicks in bands play bass?

[Apr 19,2010 1:39pm - Ughhh....  ""]
Because playing bass sucks:pukeface:
[Apr 19,2010 1:54pm - timma ""]
[Apr 19,2010 1:58pm - narkybark ""]
haha timma, you're a metal chick!
[Apr 19,2010 2:03pm - Slymo ""]
[Apr 19,2010 2:44pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

narkybark said:haha timma, you're a metal chick!

So are you!
[Apr 19,2010 2:47pm - timma ""]
More like a metal DOUCHE.

[Apr 19,2010 2:52pm - DreadKill ""]

narkybark said:haha timma, you're a metal chink!

that's RAC1TS, dude!
[Apr 19,2010 3:04pm - timma ""]
Buncha goddamn inbred honkeys up in here.
[Apr 19,2010 3:10pm - MetalThursday ""]
Paging thuringwethil, deathchick & pam...
[Apr 19,2010 3:10pm - MetalThursday ""]
Paging thuringwethil, deathchick & pam...
[Apr 19,2010 4:39pm - narkybark ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
narkybark said:you're a metal chick!

So are you!

Pfft. I'm every woman. It's all in me.
[Apr 19,2010 4:41pm - timma ""]
Anything you want done, Marky, he'll do it naturally.

And by naturally, I mean homorapistlly.
[Apr 19,2010 4:42pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
? ok this thread makes no sense
[Apr 19,2010 5:32pm - timma ""]

PISSCHRIST said:? ok this thread makes no sense

....and you were expecting what, exactly?
[Apr 19,2010 6:15pm - blessed offal  ""]

PISSCHRIST said:? ok this thread makes no sense

does this help?

[Apr 19,2010 6:43pm - reimroc ""]
[Apr 19,2010 6:49pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

blessed%20offal said:
PISSCHRIST said:? ok this thread makes no sense

does this help?


[Apr 19,2010 6:51pm - demondave ""]

I raise you Haemorrhage

[Apr 19,2010 6:52pm - demondave ""]

and broken link

[Apr 19,2010 6:52pm - demondave ""]
[Apr 19,2010 7:12pm - LBprovidence ""]
no one likes the bass player
[Apr 19,2010 7:16pm - DreadKill ""]

Ughhh.... said:Because playing bass sucks:pukeface:

yeah, ok dude. go tell that to lemmy.
[Apr 19,2010 7:21pm - RichHorror ""]

timma said:

narkybark said:

Lotta hot pieces of ass up in this piece.
[Apr 19,2010 7:35pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, playing bass is womens' work.

[Apr 19,2010 7:42pm - narkybark ""]
you don't learn string cutting skills in the kitchen.
[Apr 19,2010 7:43pm - HandinjuryNLI  ""]
I raise you all four broads in putrefied beauty.
[Apr 19,2010 8:42pm - Roxy Petrucci  ""]
How about a drumstick up your faggot ass, motherfucker????

[Apr 19,2010 8:44pm - PISSCHRIST ""]

Roxy%20Petrucci said:How about a drumstick up your faggot ass, motherfucker????


[Apr 19,2010 8:55pm - Roxy Petrucci's Drum Tech  ""]
Mmmm... this reminds me of the Vixen tour with Ozzy & White Lion back in '89. At the end of every show, I used to put my nose right up to Roxy's drum throne and inhale deeply, savoring the smell of her ass sweat. Those were the days!
[Apr 19,2010 10:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

LBprovidence said:no one likes the bass player

The bass player always has to hang out with the drummer and his girlfriend.
(I wish I remembered more of this skit)

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