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Brett Michaels in critical condition

[Apr 23,2010 8:26pm - the_reverend ""]
brain hemorage. someone find a link
[Apr 23,2010 8:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Its true.

The new season of Rock of Love will be filmed from his hospital bed.
[Apr 23,2010 8:34pm - slartisian coordinates  ""]

YES!! i so hope he dies, wouldn't make evens with peter steele by a long shot, but it's always great when shitty celebrities die instead of cool ones who actually did cool stuff.

"Do you want to stay in this diabetic ICU, and rock my world?"
[Apr 23,2010 8:36pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I hope he doesn't cus then his death would take away from peter steele's
[Apr 23,2010 8:37pm - pam ""]
Too late to get in on the 2010 death pool?
[Apr 23,2010 8:52pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
a local watering hole called Backwaters here in Quincy IL paid 35,000$ for this idiot to come play a show here. It was supposed to be in a week or two, then got pushed back to August cuz of the appendicitus. Now this. LOL
[Apr 23,2010 8:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Well, I guess I can be a loser and say I enjoyed Poison live.

Rev should be ashamed that he put the double T in Bret.
Fuckin poser khed.

Wait, I thought I wasn't posting anymore? ttyl.
[Apr 23,2010 9:03pm - aril's ghost  ""]

he's in stable condition now. unlike me.. im dead
[Apr 23,2010 11:24pm - ShadowSD ""]
You just need to star in a few seasons of Rock of Love, keeps the blood flowing.
[Apr 24,2010 12:29am - boblovesmusic ""]

arilliusbm said:Well, I guess I can be a loser and say I enjoyed Poison live.

Rev should be ashamed that he put the double T in Bret.
Fuckin poser khed.

Wait, I thought I wasn't posting anymore? ttyl.

I also enjoyed poison live! Then again I love glam/hair metal.

Also bret michaels was unintentionally hilarious
[Apr 24,2010 1:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Kickstart my heart...err... brain!
[Apr 24,2010 2:28am - Sacreligion ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Kickstart my heart...err... brain!

[Apr 24,2010 8:56am - SkinSandwich ""]

Sacreligion said:
FuckIsMySignature said:Kickstart my heart...err... brain!


Confusion is as confusion does.
[Apr 24,2010 8:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
"Hit it CC...guguhhhuuhehahhjhhs"
[Apr 24,2010 3:24pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

boblovesmusic said:
arilliusbm said:Well, I guess I can be a loser and say I enjoyed Poison live.

Rev should be ashamed that he put the double T in Bret.
Fuckin poser khed.

Wait, I thought I wasn't posting anymore? ttyl.

I also enjoyed poison live! Then again I love glam/hair metal.

Also bret michaels was unintentionally hilarious

me three!! I saw them at Great Tweeter Woods with Quiet Riot, Enuff Z Nuff and Warrant. It was fucking awesome. And really hot, liike 100 in the shade
[Apr 25,2010 8:58pm - blessed offal  ""]
braaain haemorrhage bop, it just takkkkkes life away
[Apr 25,2010 9:02pm - blessed offal  ""]

blessed%20offal said:braaain haemorrhage bop, it just takkkkkes life away

i bet that bandana he wears to cover up his bald spot was just on to tight
[Apr 25,2010 10:01pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Don't want nuthin, but a haemorrhage
how can I resist!

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