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Wed April 28th: Coche Bomba (France), Isolation, Bear Hug, Emaciated, and Mechane @ Mass Art

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Apr 25,2010 3:34pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]

madoakdevin%20nli said:Wednesday April 28th
Coche Bomba (France)
Bear Hug
@ MassArt
181 North Hall | Tetlow St | Boston, MA
$5, 7pm, All Ages

We got thrown on to this last minute. We want to bring out as many people as possible to support this band on tour!

[Apr 25,2010 3:41pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
Show up on Wednesday!!!! We go on first and have a short as fuck set, so don't show up late. We're only playing for 15 minutes.
[Apr 25,2010 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
We? What band are you in?
[Apr 28,2010 1:38pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
Rev, Mechane is my new band. You might like us. I don't know.
[Apr 28,2010 1:40pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
also, this is tonight. come support. There is a band on tour from france. bring wine, baguettes, and freedom fries.... or some money. I was told this was $5, but people are telling me I'm wrong. I dunno.
[Apr 28,2010 2:03pm - love_is_a_fist ""]
[Apr 28,2010 2:19pm - JackGrants ""]
I'll bring the freedom fries to New Haven for Alcest

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