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Suicide Dream Instrumental mp3s - Best While Baked

[May 4,2010 1:50pm - ShadowSD ""]
A while back, Casey and I recorded some live improvs at rehearsal where I played both guitar and keyboards.

Although these are up on our site, I figured I should post them here because its really the kind of thing other musicians would appreciate, since it's rare to hear this style of metal improvised in the first place, and I don't think the simultaneous guitar and keyboard thing has been ever been done in this sort of manner. Trying to make shit up on two different instruments in real time was incredibly challenging, but the songs that came out of it were diverse enough to the point where I'm actually fairly sure everyone here would really enjoy at least one of these tracks, so here they are.


http://www.suicide-dream.com/718.mp3 - A Three Minute Dark Doomy Piece

http://www.suicide-dream.com/717c.mp3 - A Longer Classically Tinged Piece With Ending Guitar Solo

http://www.suicide-dream.com/803.mp3 - Another Longer Song With A Breakdown and Solos

http://www.suicide-dream.com/717a.mp3 - Long Piano Driven Piece

http://www.suicide-dream.com/717b.mp3 - A Mid-Length, Mid-Tempo Groove-Driven Tune With Guitar Solo

Appreciate any and all feedback.

(Just to answer any obvious questions:

* No sustain pedal was used w/the keyboard, with the sole exception of the third song's last ten seconds

* No editing was done after the fact, with the sole exception of fading out the second song towards the end

* Guitar rhythm loops were only used during guitar solos, never during piano parts

* No overdubs - all the guitar and piano parts are played live at the same time

* All legit improv - no parts of this were composed or practiced beforehand)
[May 4,2010 1:59pm - ShadowSD ""]
I hope everyone here will get the chance to spark one up and listen to at least one of these.
[May 4,2010 2:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't get stoned.
[May 4,2010 2:16pm - ShadowSD ""]
Only an enhancement, not required for enjoyment.
[May 4,2010 8:59pm - ShadowSD ""]
[May 5,2010 10:03am - ShadowSD ""]
These were recorded a few summers ago when Laurel was on hiatus from the band, which is why it is a two piece recording.

The three of us are now working on new material and are looking to get into the studio sometime this summer.
[May 5,2010 10:07am - reimroc ""]
nice i just roasted downstairs. downloading.
[May 5,2010 10:58am - boxxy ""]
terrible. almost as bad as BAD TYPEO covers.. ughhggh.
[May 10,2010 1:20pm - ShadowSD ""]
[May 10,2010 1:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
haven't heard these yet.

but doesn't all music sound better when baked?
[May 10,2010 2:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes but some music sounds extra better when baked
[May 10,2010 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
there's literally not one type of music I can't stand when baked. Granted some are better than others but I don't really care as long as I'm relaxed.
[May 10,2010 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I like booze with DM and weedz with my BM
[May 10,2010 3:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
Everytime I've met you, you were either drunk, or losing bags of weed at a show.
You stand by your words.
[May 11,2010 10:40am - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:I like booze with DM and weedz with my BM

Agreed 100%. I think the general rule is booze is good for listening heaviness/speed/rawness and weed is best for listening melody/atmosphere/dynamics, most good bands are some mix of the two, it's just a matter of which is more prevalent than the other.

Of course, there's always drinking AND smoking.
[May 11,2010 10:44am - Yeti ""]
when i'm drunk all i want to listen to is Hammerheart.
[May 11,2010 10:46am - boxxy ""]
i can tell you guys drink and smoke before you play.. hehe

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