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Anyone looking for a logo or pro myspace/website done?

[May 5,2010 1:20am - Contorted_Visuals ""]
Sup d00ds. We are Contorted Visuals, and we just recently started up so we really want to fatten up our portfolio. Right now our going rates are $15 for logos and $30 for the traditional band myspace, but if you guys mention you found us from RttP, we will slice the prices in half. We don't just do metal related graphics, but its what we are comfortable with.

We are looking for some fun projects involving some fun, creative, sick and twisted musicians! Cant wait to hear from you.

If you are interested or wanna just look around the current Myspace and 'praps add us, feel free http://www.myspace.com/contortedvisuals

[May 5,2010 9:09am - aaron_michael ""]
angelfire or GTFO
[May 5,2010 9:46am - MetalThursday ""]
Yes and yes. Got an email contact? I'm Myspace challenged whilst at work.
[May 5,2010 11:27am - YildunDave ""]
Yildun will be contacting you guys about revamping our myspace page and possibly additional graphics.
[May 5,2010 11:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
all set with website but might need your help for a logo for my rock band.
[May 5,2010 11:39am - DreadKill ""]
my favorite thing about the myspace page is "LOGO COMING SOON." not to be a dick, but from one designer to another, brand yourself before you advertise your branding services. when you don't have an identity for yourself, it's hard to get other people to want you to create their identity. best of luck in building your portfolio up.
[May 5,2010 12:16pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
Yeah, sorry for not posting my email address, spam bots are rampant haha. Metalthursday(and anyone else who can't message through Myspace), our email address is contortedvisuals@yahoo.com

Yildun and Fuck - Looking forward to hearing back from you guys! Doing a rock logo would be a great way to diversify our portfolio.

Dreadkill - Yeah, we realize it too, but so far we have gone through 4-5 different logos for ourselves...we just can't decide which one to keep haha. Its funny/ironic that when it comes to making a logo for ourselves we have the most trouble, since we make way too many. Pretty much the only thing we have to decide on is if we want a logo that is recognizable and readable, or recognizable by its shape and illegibility.
[May 5,2010 12:20pm - boxxy ""]

Contorted_Visuals said:we just can't decide which one to keep haha.

maybe you can't decide because all of your logos suck. Post some fucking artwork or you're a pussy who's afraid we won't like your stiff..
[May 5,2010 12:21pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
lawl internet bullies
[May 5,2010 12:32pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
If you guys are not able to go on myspace, here are some images:





[May 5,2010 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
email sent
[May 5,2010 1:26pm - boxxy ""]

Contorted_Visuals said:lawl internet bullies

If you're not smart enough to post actual examples of your artwork in an ad for them, then SOMEONES got to tell ya.

... and now that people have seen that your work isn't bad, I bet they'll go to your site.
[May 5,2010 1:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: Tough love is TUFF.
[May 5,2010 1:35pm - boxxy ""]
fucking right.
[May 5,2010 2:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ken DS - pm received and replied
[May 5,2010 7:31pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
All replied to guys! And I guess you are right boxxy :P
[May 5,2010 10:32pm - BallTits  ""]
That shit is WEEEEEAK
[May 6,2010 12:06pm - sinistas ""]
You need some new typefaces - Copperplate & Papyrus don't cut it these days. Here's a good list to start with:

[May 6,2010 2:23pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
Copperplate? I didnt use copperplate. I used Papyrus on the Respawn the Ancients myspace, and thats it :P Its a classic xD
[May 6,2010 2:29pm - DreadKill ""]
papyrus is the shittiest typeface since comic sans. just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good. and please, for the love of shit, stay the fuck away from bleeding cowboy!
[May 6,2010 2:31pm - DreadKill ""]
i meant to say "classic" instead of "good."

bodoni is classic.
futura is classic.
garamond is classic.
frutiger is classic.
helvetica is classic.

[May 6,2010 2:32pm - DreadKill ""]
the fonts i mentioned would make up a gourmet five course meal of typography.

looking at papyrus is like feasting on microwaved dogshit.
[May 6,2010 2:42pm - bornofosichris ""]
email sent dudez, check yo inbox.

also, how does lamb of god feel about that comment dreadkill? haha.
[May 6,2010 2:44pm - DreadKill ""]
i don't care what lamb of god thinks. their logo sucks and they were stupid to use such a shitty typeface.
[May 6,2010 2:50pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
Bleeding Cowboy? Man I don't even touch fonts that look like that. Pre-made grunge fonts are the worst. Usually for the websites/myspace I let the customer choose the font, with a small bit of advice from me.
[May 6,2010 2:59pm - DreadKill ""]
good man. bleeding cowboy is shitass
[May 6,2010 3:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I use Bleeding Cowboy for all my logos.
[May 6,2010 3:01pm - Alexecutioner ""]
sent you guys a message, Forced Asphyxiation could really use a tune up on our myspace
[May 6,2010 3:01pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
The only font ive seen more overused than Bleeding Cowboy was Zombie Holocaust... http://img.1001fonts.com/fonts/2913.small.png LOL
[May 6,2010 3:02pm - DreadKill ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I use Bleeding Cowboy for all my logos.

you, sir, are a ravioli
[May 6,2010 3:02pm - Alexecutioner ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I use Bleeding Cowboy for all my logos.

sweet logo bro

[May 6,2010 3:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

DreadKill said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:I use Bleeding Cowboy for all my logos.

you, sir, are a ravioli

I am what I eat.
[May 6,2010 3:06pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
DreadKill said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:I use Bleeding Cowboy for all my logos.

you, sir, are a ravioli

I am what I eat.

I am.... Cocoa Puffs

[May 6,2010 3:11pm - Contorted_Visuals ""]
Chris and Alex, messages replied to.

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