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SANCTUARY To Reunite For New Studio Album

[May 12,2010 1:23am - boblovesmusic ""]
NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane has announced that his late '80s cult metal outfit SANCTUARY will reunite to record a new studio album. "[I've] been talking with Lenny [Rutledge, former SANCTUARY guitarist]," Dane explains. "We are really good friends again and it feels good." He adds, "I missed my relationship with him for many years."

Regarding how the SANCTUARY reunion will affect NEVERMORE, which has a new studio album ("The Obsidian Conspiracy") coming out next month, Dane says, "NEVERMORE is never going away, so don't start any more rumors!"


[May 12,2010 11:17am - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
bonerz! fo sho!
[May 12,2010 1:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 12,2010 1:41pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Nevermore has been doing awesome, the two solo albums were gold. Still have to check out the new album.
[May 12,2010 5:42pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
This is awesome!! I saw Sanctuary with Megadeth and Warlock in Boston back in 1988...

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