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"Zombie Satelite" No longer accepting commands from Earth

[May 12,2010 11:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Starting to see more and more of this kinda shit lately. Didnt the stock market have a mini crash because the computer system took over recently?


All hail Skynet
[May 12,2010 11:15am - arilliusbm ""]
Both us and China have the technology to shoot down satellites. Let's do it up.

On a lighter note, glad to see SyFy suffering a blow. That's what you get for changing your name and showing shitty movies.
[May 12,2010 11:25am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
2nded and 3rdeded
[May 12,2010 1:09pm - xmikex ""]
ITT: The irony of zombie satellites giving SyFy an idea for another horrible movie... but having no way to show it to anyone.
[May 12,2010 2:53pm - Martins ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Didnt the stock market have a mini crash because the computer system took over recently?

Let's not sensationalize here. As far as I know, they think someone made a typo and meant to sell a million shares instead of a billion.
[May 12,2010 3:09pm - Mortins NLI  ""]
Don't listen to me. I'm 1/7th asian and prone to fits of ball dropping and misbelief. I would take a pound of seminal fluid straight to the face. I juggle mastiff testes on my free time. Should you trust me?
[May 12,2010 3:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Martins said:
FuckIsMySignature said:Didnt the stock market have a mini crash because the computer system took over recently?

Let's not sensationalize here. As far as I know, they think someone made a typo and meant to sell a million shares instead of a billion.

i wasnt sensationalizing. also i believe that comment was phrased as a question and not stated as fact.

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