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Awake during surgery: 'I'm in hell'

[May 17,2010 11:49am - boblovesmusic ""]
(CNN) -- When Carol Weiher was having her right eye surgically removed in 1998, she woke up hearing disco music. The next thing she heard was "Cut deeper, pull harder."


also kinda brutal
[May 17,2010 11:55am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh man thats fucked up. i read a short story once (think it might have been stephen king) that was about someone being conscious during their own autopsy.

[May 17,2010 12:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]
she was interviewed in a documentary for PBS called "How to kill a human". It's a look into capitol punishment, and whether or not any of the methods still in use are humane (which he defines as not-gory, not-painful) or if there are other methods that science can offer that would be better.

Shortly into the documentary they looked into lethal injection. It seems that there are 3 drugs that are pumped into the system for it to be complete. First is a drug used for short term unconsciousness, then a muscular paralytic, then a drug to induce cardiac arrest. It seems that the second drug is also used in surgery so that the muscles don't react when you cut into them. That's where this lady comes in, i guess she had surgery where they used the same first two drugs as they do in L.I. for her surgery, and when the 2nd drug was administered, she came awake... totally paralyzed. She could feel everything, yet she was unable to react. She says that drug (the muscular paralytic) feels like burning jet fuel flowing through your veins. gross.
[May 17,2010 1:03pm - horror_tang ""]
Anesthesia is for pussies.
[May 17,2010 1:14pm - Yeti ""]

ouchdrummer said:she was interviewed in a documentary for PBS called "How to kill a human". It's a look into capitol punishment, and whether or not any of the methods still in use are humane (which he defines as not-gory, not-painful) or if there are other methods that science can offer that would be better.

bah, humane. bring back Breaking At the Wheel, Sawn in Half, or Scaphism and you'll see order return.
[May 17,2010 1:17pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Fucking weird this topic came up. I always figured if there was a hell, people would suffer their biggest fears for eternity. Mine is this shit (surgery & autopsy) while awake but can't move.)
[May 17,2010 4:56pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Yeti said:
ouchdrummer said:she was interviewed in a documentary for PBS called "How to kill a human". It's a look into capitol punishment, and whether or not any of the methods still in use are humane (which he defines as not-gory, not-painful) or if there are other methods that science can offer that would be better.

bah, humane. bring back Breaking At the Wheel, Sawn in Half, or Scaphism and you'll see order return.

bring back the four horses pulling off dudes arms and legs
[May 17,2010 5:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[May 17,2010 5:41pm - dertoxia ""]


Awake (2007)

While undergoing open heart surgery, a man's failed anesthetic leaves him completely alert, but paralyzed and unable to tell his doctors.

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