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Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street

[May 18,2010 10:19pm - LPCustom  ""]
Just picked up the re-issue with the bonus tracks and am quite excited to listen to it. Anyone else pick this up? Superb album for sure.
[May 18,2010 10:41pm - BSV  ""]
sold out at my store by noon. sold a few super dlx editions though. how many junkies have claimed this to be the essential album when strung out?
[May 18,2010 10:54pm - LPCustom  ""]
Wow - I had to have someone pick it up for me and they said it was almost sold out at the Target near me by 3 and I thought that was crazy.
[May 18,2010 11:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
one of my favorites. Anything with Mick Taylor really. Picking it up later this week
[May 19,2010 10:20pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
even the Walmart here was sold out of it. good thing, cuz The rOLLING sTONES REALLY need the cash
[May 20,2010 12:32am - LPCustom  ""]
Haha - that's nuts though for sure.

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