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Dehumanized back together?

[Apr 26,2004 5:54pm - dread_104 ""]
i heard this at the choppin' block friday night.
anybody hear this? Is is true?
[Apr 26,2004 6:23pm - Kalopsia ""]

read the last paragraph in my review of the show. that should answer your question
[Apr 26,2004 6:33pm - dread_104 ""]
thanx, bro
[Apr 26,2004 7:08pm - XmikeX ""]
so is dehumanized playing the chopping block or what??
[Apr 26,2004 7:24pm - dread_104 ""]
i hope not... no dance room
[Apr 26,2004 7:29pm - dread_104 ""]
could we really listen to "fade into obscurity" with that damn bar 2 feet behind us?
[Apr 26,2004 8:04pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Dehumanized killed, hopefully it will be better then the botched devourment attempt at reforming.
[Apr 26,2004 8:07pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Well it is true. Things are going along pretty fast right now we are trying out Kalopsia666 and if all works well he is in

as of now the line up is

George Torres - Drums
Rich Nagasawa - Guitars
Paul Tavora - Guitar
John Collett - Vocals
Mike Hussey - Bass

Im working on a bunch of things, such as T-Shirt designs and hooking up with Promoters and a website where you can get all the OFFICIAL news from DEHUMANIZED directly . If all works well with Mike we should be ready to play some shows by mid June, early July. So keep your hears peeled for any info.


George ( Dehumanized )
[Apr 26,2004 8:14pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
I have a temporary site thru www.mz1.us , just search Dehumanized and Ill update every so often about the progress of the band.
[Apr 26,2004 8:29pm - dread_104 ""]
thank you George. my gay assed life just got better. see you guys in june/july
[Apr 26,2004 8:38pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Hey george if you need any help with promotion or anything around the new england area or help for anything drop me a line. Lymphaticdeath@aol.com we traded a few songs a while back. Keep it brutal bro im glad to see the bands back together. Hopefully DM can be brought back to where it was years ago.
[Apr 26,2004 8:40pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
im stickin with my "if i hear Prophecies foretold live... im going to probably end up killing 30 people" thing.
[Apr 26,2004 9:22pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:im stickin with my "if i hear Prophecies foretold live... im going to probably end up killing 30 people" thing.

You mean end up eating 30 people?
[Apr 26,2004 9:34pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Hey Paul thank You for all your help, I will be dropping you a line and keeping you updated. and Great Spaldino I look forward to witnessing that mass:doublehorns: murder.
[Apr 26,2004 9:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
Fucking A
[Apr 26,2004 9:40pm - Kalopsia ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:im stickin with my "if i hear Prophecies foretold live... im going to probably end up killing 30 people" thing.

well lemme put it this way spalding, they're sending me tabs of some songs through the mail for me to learn, one of them being Prophecies Foretold. so i would say get ready to go to jail
[Apr 26,2004 11:01pm - XlynchieX  ""]
bout time this band got back together.......... i'm gonna have a lot of fun when you guys play here.
[Apr 27,2004 12:02am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Kalopsia said:
well lemme put it this way spalding, they're sending me tabs of some songs through the mail for me to learn, one of them being Prophecies Foretold. so i would say get ready to go to jail

you should be able to pull their songs off... they arent too hard to play =p
[Apr 27,2004 7:46am - Kalopsia ""]
well i'm sure you could do a much better job The GREAT SPALDINO. everyone BOW TO THE BASS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 27,2004 10:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dehumanized at the Chopping Block sounds great to me.
Someone give me their email contact.
[Apr 27,2004 11:35am - Mike_FOD ""]
Dehumanized ruled live, they wiped the floor with Immolation back in 98.
[Apr 27,2004 4:21pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
my email contact is xxxdaenemyxxx@hotmail.com

and this time around we are practicing a whole new live concept that will make our live shows that much better. Most of us also invested in new gear as well, I myself just picked up a new Gretsch drum kit as well as new Axis Longboards and some other misc. shit. So I hope what you hear from us now will knock your socks off.

[Apr 27,2004 4:38pm - dread_104 ""]
i have no doubt about it.
just dying to hear "fade into obscurity" live again.
i don't care if there's bar in the fucking way.
just tell Aaron to back the fuck up!
[Apr 27,2004 6:37pm - Kalopsia ""]
i think it'd be great if aaron took pictures while pitting.
[Apr 28,2004 1:28am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

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