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Slayer on Jimmy Kimmel

[May 21,2010 8:49am - the_reverend ""]

[May 21,2010 9:31am - Alx_Casket ""]
Seen better soloing by Fred Durst.
[May 21,2010 7:16pm - Gabe Horn nli  ""]
That song is terrible.
[May 21,2010 7:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I actually like NEW Slayer more than OLD Slayer. Woops! Kinda boring live, though, it seems. They just stand there.
[May 21,2010 7:21pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
i kinda like it. solo is retarded though.
[May 21,2010 7:53pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I've heard that song a ton of times on XM. Its not that bad...i dont like it enough to watch this video though...
[May 21,2010 8:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Everyone in that band except for Lombardo needs fewer cheeseburgers. Araya looks likes he needs a nap. That song isn't completely terrible (I heard it on satellite too), but it sure isn't good either.
[May 21,2010 9:08pm - Archaeon ""]
terrible guitar tone. this sucks.
[May 21,2010 9:24pm - handyNLI  ""]

Archaeon said:terrible guitar tone. this sucks.

When has slayer had a "good" guitar tone?
[May 21,2010 9:49pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
holy FAIL! Kerry King looks like he's gonna have a heart attack!! I wanna type "world painted blood?" and see if Araya pulls a Ron Burgundy. that's a solo? Man, Hanneman phoned that shit in.
[May 22,2010 10:17am - pam ""]
I wish they'd just...stop. They've done all they are capable of and now it's just kinda sad.
[May 22,2010 12:41pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
Anybody notice Tom didnt bang his head once. I had a feeling that would happen since he just had back surgery. Still..it pains me to see him just standin there. Jeff's gettin fat too. That rules. .....Slayer is still way sicker than any band thats been killing since the early 80's. thats why givin em shit is gay. Thier new shit doesnt suck. .....that said - i DO think they should probly bang out maybe 1 more album and call it quits before it DOES suck.
[May 22,2010 1:05pm - arktouros ""]
I thought Christ Illusion was good but...hang it up dudes.
[May 22,2010 1:57pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I wanted them to stop after Diabolus... That album is a nu metal pile of crap. Their last two have been OK but they should have stopped making albums years ago and just focus on touring individual classic albums. Thats my favorite new trend in tours...
[May 22,2010 2:17pm - demondave ""]
I like the last album
[May 22,2010 2:52pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
i almost hope my next Slayer show is my last. Cuz its gonna be 'Seasons' start to finish & Megadeth doin 'Rust' start to fin. Sounds like a good last Slayer show. It'll be my 15th. Best one so far (other than my first) was prob a few tours ago when they did 'Reign in Blood' start to fin. Playin full albums is defnitly an awesome new tour trend for bands. Almost cant think of any better ideas than that. ................anyone?
[May 22,2010 3:20pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I saw them on the God Hates My Balls tour when Bostaph was still playing, who was a much more ferocious drummer than Guy Lombardo IMO. Divine Intervention was pretty solid, Diabolus was awful. I downloaded Christ Illusion, deleted it shortly thereafter. They need to hang it up. Kerry should go on The Biggest Loser or Celebrity Fit Club, that would RULE
[May 22,2010 3:21pm - Gabe Horn nli  ""]
The new shit just sounds tired to me. I love Slayer but they really need to call it a day.
[May 22,2010 3:35pm - death.  ""]
slayer is awesome, yall need to quit bitchin
[May 22,2010 4:40pm - Dankill  ""]

Death_Metal_Jim said:Anybody notice Tom didnt bang his head once. I had a feeling that would happen since he just had back surgery. Still..it pains me to see him just standin there.

His neck was pretty much FUCKED from what I read. At this point, he can never headbang again, so that's what you're gonna see from now on.
[May 22,2010 5:32pm - Goatrider ""]
I don't know how to feel about this era of Slayer just yet... It's probably better to wait for an actual live show, and then judge. But I already don't like the odds here.
[May 22,2010 9:18pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
i just realized.....if Megadeth is playin 'Rust in Peace' in full, then they have to play DAWN PATROL! Never thought i'd see the day.
[May 22,2010 11:56pm - skull fracturing nightmare  ""]
Wow! Shitting on Slayer? Slayer rules all! Most of the bands a lot of you listen to suck!
[May 23,2010 1:33am - metal_church101 ""]
Yeah, Slayer is getting old. Yeah, Jeff Hannaman (sp) shit that solo out on the whammy bar for this song.

I would still rather see Slayer on Jimmy Kimmel than a shit load of other bands that they would normally put on. The circle pit was nice vs what I expected.

I know I am asking for it on this but oh well.

Slayer is the Rolling stones of thrash/death metal.
[May 24,2010 8:34am - pam ""]

skull%20fracturing%20nightmare said:Wow! Shitting on Slayer? Slayer rules all! Most of the bands a lot of you listen to suck!

[May 24,2010 8:44am - ShadowSD ""]
Song sounds fine and true to Slayer to me. Solo is utter shit, Slayer is known for having solos with these atonal whammy moments, but for an entire long solo with not an single actual note is just painful to sit through. You're playing lead guitar, dude, not a cat.
[May 24,2010 9:33am - The_Rooster ""]

ShadowSD said:Solo is utter shit.

Quoted for emphasis.

Pretty much all of the traditional "thrash" type solo wanking is garbage to me though. I see no reason for that type of shit. Not musical.
[May 24,2010 9:36am - arktouros ""]

skull%20fracturing%20nightmare said:Wow! Shitting on Slayer? Slayer rules all! Most of the bands a lot of you listen to suck!


[May 24,2010 2:43pm - dogbitedavehumphreys ""]

sometimes a Slayer is just a Slayer. I can live with this.
[May 24,2010 2:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think Slayer has earned the right to play metal poorly now that they are almost senior citizens. most of us when we start to get to that age will be spending our time trying to get discounted coffee instead of playing thrash metal on a television show.

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