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Metal in the morning...

[May 25,2010 9:05am - htr ""]
Server is up. Currently playing: Ziltoidia Attaxx!!! by Ziltoid

[May 25,2010 9:23am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Sure as hell beats morning drive clowns.
[May 25,2010 9:28am - htr ""]
Well, I'm thinking of starting "Metal in the morning" as a reg show starting at 9am on Tyrs-days and Thors-days. Although, I reserve the right to blast out some classic Hardcore/Crossover in the show as well.
[May 25,2010 9:30am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
You should totally invade the airways in Boston... nothing but hip-hop, bad opera, and alt-rock that I'm sick of hearing. I retreat to my iPod for solace.
[May 25,2010 9:34am - htr ""]
Oh believe me I know. I use to work 25 hr shifts in an ambulance with no tape deck. The only problem is we are a web station at the moment. Though the idea of trying a super-hi-band (short-wave) transmission was proposed. The only problems are 1. The FCC might not like it, and 2. Audio sounds like crap after it bounces back from the magnetosphere.
[May 25,2010 10:09am - Lamp nli  ""]
Metal in the morning, metal in the evening, metal at supper time. When metal's on a bagel, you can eat metal any time.
[May 25,2010 10:12am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I hope my water has mercury in it.
[May 25,2010 10:22am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Metal in the morning, metal in the evening, metal at supper time. When metal's on a bagel, you can eat metal any time.

you beat me to it.
[May 25,2010 12:20pm - htr ""]
Wren, if you read this, know that I am playing some Glam.
[May 25,2010 12:34pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
YES!!! DAMMIT! I'm at work so I can't listen! FAWK!!!
[May 25,2010 12:49pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
what songs are you playing?
[May 25,2010 3:17pm - htr ""]
Not much. I'll rock some for you on Thursday.
[May 25,2010 3:18pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
hmm, I'll have to test to see if I can listen on my iphone cus I'll be driving down to MDF then
[May 26,2010 5:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What I thought when I saw this thread title:

"Metal in the morning, metal in the evening, metal at supper time. When metal's on a bagel you can eat metal any time."
[May 26,2010 8:58pm - BloodeyeBetty ""]
Metal Jingle's are the best. you could play a different one every week.

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