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Tonight at Anchors Up: Catalepsy, In Alcatraz 1962, Hivesmasher, and some other bands

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[May 30,2010 9:54am - aaron_michael ""]
In Alcatraz 1962,
Mass of Oceans


has anyone heard of these other bands?
[May 30,2010 9:56am - Alexecutioner ""]
nope, lol
[May 30,2010 10:33am - blue ""]
dysentery was supposed to play with IA1962 last summer in PA.
[May 30,2010 11:21am - sever ""]
Catalepsy? I'm sorry.
[May 30,2010 12:02pm - reimroc ""]
lots o' deathcore
[May 30,2010 12:07pm - aaron_michael ""]
Ugh. It sucks not having a computer that gives me insight into this kind of thing.
[May 30,2010 12:08pm - reimroc ""]
i would go to this to show my support for you guys if i didn't have family shit going on today.
[May 30,2010 12:11pm - t2daeek ""]

reimroc said:i would go to this to show my support for you guys if i didn't have family shit going on today.

rttp is family. come have a set on pep pep's lap sonny jim
[May 30,2010 12:14pm - reimroc ""]
haha. my nana is up from florida. i haven't seen her for like 4 years. shes on her way out so this may be one of the last times i see her. believe me if it was some random family bar-b-q or something i'd blow that popsicle stand in a heartbeat.
[May 30,2010 3:25pm - sever ""]

aaron_michael said:Ugh. It sucks not having a computer that gives me insight into this kind of thing.

you do not want insight into catalepsy. They fool you with a very metal name, logo and stage presence and then BOOM you're tricked into listening to chugga chugga jun jun jun weedly weedly for a half hour.
[May 31,2010 9:28am - t2daeek ""]
most probably would not have wanted insight into any of the bands from this show, mine included
however, if you missed the Dan Bolton/Hive Smasher kabuki theatre performance ensemble in honor of the ragtime association society for women of southern haverhill fan club band...
4 piece hivesmasher with no bass is fun, but i probably had a little more of the liquid intelligence than actual intelligence last night...
[May 31,2010 1:57pm - jebus_crispex_nli  ""]
I was all about the Dan Bolton/Hivesmasher kabuki theatre performance ensemble in honor of the ragtime association society for women of southern Haverhill fan club band. You guys were a wall of hate and fury.
[May 31,2010 2:03pm - blue ""]
Howd this shitstorm go?
[May 31,2010 5:46pm - sever ""]

t2daeek said:The Dan Bolton/Hive Smasher kabuki theatre performance ensemble in honor of the ragtime association society for women of southern haverhill fan club band

Next tour or album name ftw.

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