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[LEAKED] Whitechapel - "A New Era of Corruption"

[Jun 2,2010 10:54am - Spaldino  ""]

there you go, faggots.
[Jun 2,2010 10:56am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Faggot reporting in. This is relevant to my interests.
[Jun 2,2010 11:02am - blue ""]
Paging faggot #2: William Caruso
[Jun 2,2010 11:06am - Spaldino  ""]
i already texted him. he's been dangling from my nuts about finding this... i told him as soon as it was leaked i would know, therefore he would know. so when he looks at his phone, he will then know. and then the knowing will be universal. or something.
[Jun 2,2010 11:47am - bornofosichris ""]

Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:Faggot reporting in. This is relevant to my interests.
[Jun 2,2010 11:57am - mOe ""]
isnt chino on this record??
[Jun 2,2010 11:58am - mOe ""]
yup he is...downloading
[Jun 2,2010 11:59am - bornofosichris ""]
vincent from the acacia strain is as well.
[Jun 2,2010 12:10pm - reimroc ""]
are you guys seriously wasting bandwidth on this?
[Jun 2,2010 12:15pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Bandwidth doesn't apply to me as a factor of life. Home or school, the bandwidth sucks.
[Jun 2,2010 12:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Clogging up the tubes with deathcore - what would newly single Paul Bunyan of the Internet Al Gore say?
[Jun 2,2010 12:23pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
He's too busy giving CPR to oily whales. But I'm sure that in his free time he's HxC and 2-steps to DxC, muthafucka. Long live the interbutts, where the tubes are lined with porn, not clogged with it.
[Jun 2,2010 12:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like "this is exile" good riffage and ruffage
[Jun 2,2010 12:52pm - Archaeon ""]
Even i think this band sucks.
[Jun 2,2010 1:00pm - Kevord ""]
Did Hot Topic coupons leak with it?
[Jun 2,2010 1:02pm - Drifter  ""]
absolutely terrible band, but I am interested about what exactly the hell Chino did on the record (and why...) anyone feel like giving me a quick rundown of what the song with him is all about?
[Jun 2,2010 1:04pm - Spaldino  ""]
[Jun 2,2010 1:19pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Deftones is more awesome than Whitechapel, indeed.. but WC isn't terrible. Far from it, actually. Like 3 km. I measured it in yards.
[Jun 2,2010 1:24pm - Archaeon ""]
This is American. Keep that metric system shit to yourself. hippie.
[Jun 2,2010 1:28pm - Archaeon ""]
In other news, apparently this CD has no breakdowns. According to my wigger friends. booooo
[Jun 2,2010 1:43pm - ronin  ""]
I just listened to the track that supposedly has Chino on it on youtube since someone upped it there for whatever reason... one part I heard some breathy 'ooo' singing that sounded like it was probably him in the background, and that was it unless he is doing high screams that sound nothing like what he normally does.

But aside from that, like half of the song was dumb breakdown riffs and chugs with absolutely nothing memorable about it whatsoever
[Jun 2,2010 1:43pm - Spaldino  ""]
but the cd has no breakdowns! whatever will wiggers everywhere do?!
[Jun 2,2010 1:45pm - Archaeon ""]
I kind of liked the song i just listened to on myspace. Sounds like a more elementary Ion Dissonance. So minus the herd.
[Jun 2,2010 1:46pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

Archaeon said:In other news, apparently this CD has no breakdowns.

HAHAHA! Oh wow!

Sounds like "Hell Chose Me" all over again, although it's very good, it's still breakdown laden, which reviewers said it wasn't.. but I guess I'll find out when I get home, eh?
[Jun 2,2010 6:25pm - Drifter  ""]
I highly doubt that adding unnecessary breakdowns would make this shit band any better. faggots.
[Jun 2,2010 10:50pm - Spaldino  ""]

but... it's all for the kids.
[Jun 2,2010 11:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I fucking hate this band, everytime I scan a thread title with their name I autocomplete it to Whitehouse.

[Jun 3,2010 12:17am - mOe ""]
don't quite get the no breakdowns thing....i heard a ton of em?

and Chino's highs on that track are cool, ftw
[Jun 3,2010 1:15am - ernie ""]
i skimmed through it, figured it deserved a chance. totaly gay. tons of breakdowns, although i love good breakdowns so whatever. is this what kids like now

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