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Dio Tribute @ The Elevens in Northampton - Wanna play it?

[Jun 3,2010 10:51am - eyehatehippies ""]
Okay, the Dio Tribute show in Northampton is scheduled for July 12th at The Elevens.

I'm accepting bands for the show, here's the guidelines:

You MUST play two songs that Dio sang on. They can be Elf songs, Rainbow songs, Dio Sabbs songs, or songs off his solo album. You also get to do two originals.

We're going to get a backline together for the show. There's a house drum kit and bass amp, use them, it's gonna make the show move smoother. If you're drumming, you bring your snare, cymbals, high hat, and kick pedal.

The show starts at 9PM. You need to be there by 8PM. I'm going to come up with a schedule, but with shows with a good number of bands, we need flexibility in that schedule, I've done these tribute shows before, and it gets tricky when bands start requesting set times. If you want in, you need to be available for the whole night.

You MUST drink heavily from our specialty drinks and shots that have been invented in Dio's honour, such as The Holy Diver, The Heaven And Hell, and The Rainbow In The Dark. Our bartenders worked hard coming up with these, you better fucking toast them up in Dio's honour.

All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. This is a benefit show, ALL of the money from the door will be going to the charity.

I've got limited space for this one. Email me at this address: black.pyramid@yahoo.com if you want in. It's filling up fast, but I'd like to have some out of town bands. This show will not fuck around.
[Jun 3,2010 11:10am - DreadKill ""]
you should send the money to the ronnie james dio stand up & shout cancer fund instead.
[Jun 3,2010 11:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Northhampton has the hottest lipstick lesbians
[Jun 3,2010 11:53am - hauptpflucker ""]
I'll talk to the guys about it, we have two shows that weekend but I know two of them like Dio a lot so maybe we could get it together lol. Lich King should get on this though!
[Jun 3,2010 12:05pm - FMP_user  ""]
Dio? That guy was just in some hard rock bands, right?

We need to get together a tribute for Rich Mills. He was way more important than Dio, and how many of you remember him and his sacrifice for black metal?

Remember the real heroes. \m/
[Jun 3,2010 9:28pm - eyehatehippies ""]

DreadKill said:you should send the money to the ronnie james dio stand up & shout cancer fund instead.

I guess that's do-able. I hadn't heard about it yet, I don't usually do these types of shows.

Lich King is already playing, they've confirmed, so have a few others.
[Jun 3,2010 10:03pm - Lich_King ""]
I can't wait to shout DIOOO like a fool and drink the specialty drinks.
[Jun 3,2010 10:48pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Sounds pretty sweet

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